www-cee-kerala-gov-in : KEAM 2020, LLB, KMAT 2020 Date
www-cee-kerala-gov-in : KEAM 2020, LLB, KMAT 2020 Date
Published on Mar 04, 2023
www-cee-kerala-gov-in : KEAM 2020, LLB, KMAT 2020 Date
www.cee.kerala.gov.in : Candidates who have submitted online application to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations for the admission to Kerala Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture/Medical & Medical allied courses (KEAM-2020) can verify their profile and rectify the defect from 11.05.2020 onwards @ www.cee.kerala.gov.in.
Kerala Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture/Medical & Medical Allied Courses (KEAM- 2020):
Candidates who have submitted online application to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations for the admission to Kerala Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture/Medical & Medical allied courses (KEAM-2020) can verify their profile and rectify the defect if any, from 11.05.2020 onwards. Candidates can view their profile page through the link ‘KEAM-2020 Candidate Portal’ provided in the website www.cee.kerala.gov.in by giving their Application Number and Password.
Candidates can also verify the allowed details of their claim such as personal details, reservation status and other benefits in the profile. Those candidates, who have any defects in their online applications can view the defects by clicking the menu item ‘Memo details’ provided in the profile page. If any claim requires multiple documents /pages that should be merged into a single PDF page before uploading and upload as a single file.
Those candidates who are coming under Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) under general category can upload the EWS certificates through the website www.cee.kerala.gov.in from 11.05.2020 onwards. Candidates should submit the income and asset certificate issued by the Village Officer as per G.O (MS) No. 02/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020 for availing the claim of EWS quota seats. Candidates can view their profile page through the link ‘KEAM-2020 Candidate Portal’ provided in the website www.cee.kerala.gov.in by giving their Application Number and Password. Candidates can upload the EWS certificate by clicking the menu item ‘Upload EWS Certificate’ provided in the profile page.
Those candidates who are coming under any communal reservation category are not eligible for uploading the EWS Certificates. The last date for submitting EWS certificate will be on 31.05.2020, 5 pm. The certificates submitted after the prescribed date and the certificates received through mail/by post/by hand will not be considered for availing the claim at any circumstances.
Re-Scheduled Dates of Kerala Management Aptitude Test (KMAT-2020) Announced
In connection with the wide spread outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the re-scheduled date of Kerala Management Aptitude Test (KMAT-2020) is on 218th Dec 2020. The last date for submitting Online application is 20.05.2020
i) Nationality and Nativity
Indians and Non Indians are eligible to apply. But, only Keralite candidates are eligible for Communal/Special/Persons with Disabilities reservation or any fee concession.
ii) Age
No restrictions.
iii) Academic qualifications
Candidate should have completed the Bachelors Degree of minimum three years duration in the field of Arts, Engineering, Commerce, Management or equivalent to satisfy the eligibility criteria for the course.
Candidates who are appearing for the final year of the qualifying examinations are also eligible to apply, provided their results are declared before the commencement of the admission process for the KMAT Kerala. The minimum marks required in the qualifying examination is 50% marks for general/SEBC category students and 40% marks for reserved category (SC/ST) in the qualifying graduate examinations.
Online Entrance Examination:
The Online Entrance Examination (Computer Based Test) will be conducted at Thiruvananthapuram, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Ernakulam,Thrissur, Malappuram, Kannur Centres on a date to be announced later. The Entrance Examination will be of Two and a half hours duration and will consist of 180 Objective Type questions of four marks each (Total 180x4=720). For every wrong answer one mark will be deducted. The questions will be based on
a) English Language Usage and Reading Comprehension (50 Questions),
b) Quantitative Ability (50 Questions),
c) Data sufficiency and Logical Reasoning (40 Questions),
d) General Awareness and current affairs (40 Questions).
Qualifying Marks:
The cut-off marks for General category candidates is 15% of the total 720 marks , ie,108 marks, the SEBC category is 10% of the total marks, ie, 72 marks and SC/ST category candidates is 7.5% of the total marks, ie, 54 marks. Candidate who get qualified in the K-MAT Examination are eligible for admission to MBA Course in various Universities/Departments and other management Colleges in Kerala.
Submission of Online Application and Application Fee:
The application fee is Rs.1000- (Rupees Thousand only) for General and SEBC candidates and Rs.750/-(Rupees Seven hundred and Fifty only) for SC/ST candidates. Candidates seeking admission to the course can apply online through the website www.cee.kerala.gov.in of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations from 30.04.2020 to 20/05/2020, 5 pm and then remit the required application fee by way of online payment or by way of e-challan available while applying online for the entrance examination. They can use Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card for online payment. Payment through e-challan can be made in cash at any of the Head/Sub Post Offices in Kerala. Application fee once remitted will not be refunded. After remitting the fee the candidate has to upload a recent passport size colour photograph and signature to the online application. Do not send the printout of the confirmation page to the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.(See Annexure I,II, III for SEBC, SC,ST lists)
Anonymous · June 2, 2020
Where there is any editing can done kamt profile after registration