Seminar Topics

IEEE Seminar Topics Epass : Lockdown Curfew Pass Rajasthan Government

Published on Mar 04, 2023 Epass : Lockdown Curfew Pass Rajasthan Government Epass : Committed to quick and convenient delivery of citizen services, Government of Rajasthan set up the eMitra platform of eGovernance way back in the year 2004. Currently, over 250 G2C and B2C services are being provided through this platform across all rural & urban areas in 33 districts of the State. And new services are being added to its fold regularly. The eMitra service delivery points – centres & kiosks – are run on Public-Private Partnership model.


1. Provide a wide range of services of various government & private organisations in a citizen-friendly manner under one roof, so that citizens can overcome the inconvenience faced in moving around various ofces

2. Empower women by providing them business opportunities

3. Generate employment opportunities for people till the grassroot level

Rajasthan Covid 19 Cases : 2,803 cases with 68 Deaths Click Here

Emitra Migrant Registration Service : Apply for E-Pass Online

1. Open the website

2. Select Inward or Outward Movement.

3. Enter the Source Address like State, District, Panchayat, Division and Address.

4. Then enter the Destination Address.

5. Now enter the Migrant Details : Name, Gender, Age.

6. If you want to add the Migrants click +AddMigrant button.

7. Lastly enter your Mobile Number and whether you travel by your vehicle.

8. Click Submit to get the Epass.


Rajasthan Emergency Lockdown App: RAJCOP

1. How do I make an online lockdown pass?

To get the online lockdown pass, you can download the RajCop Citizen (Rajkop Citizen) app by visiting the Google Play Store. You can apply for the pass by filling the required details by leaking on the feature lockdown pass of the Rajkop Citizen App by logging in via SSOID in the Rajkop Citizen App. Or you can apply for the pass by logging onto

2. If I do not have my SSO ID , how can I create one?

Answer - If you do not have SSOID, then you can create your SSOID through Gmail Account, Facebook Account, Jan Aadhaar, Bhamashah ID as follows by clicking on registration through As it is also clear in the given screenshot, by clicking on the option of any of these IDs, SSO ID can be created by filling the form that opens. The app cannot be logged in without SSO ID. So first of all you have to create your SSO ID by going to the SSO portal and only then login the Rajkop Citizen App with that SSO ID.

Rajasthan Lockdown Pass

3. Where can get the pass from the nearest police station?

You do not need to go to the police station for the pass. Your pass will be sent by you to the Indraj email address and app in the Rajkap Citizen app. Along with the pass, you will also receive a vehicle permit with QR CODE. If your pass application is rejected, you will receive an e-mail on your e-mail, including the reason for the rejection.

4. I have a company , then can I apply for my employees?

Answer - Yes, you can apply by entering the details of the firm and the details of the employees with whom you want to apply, through the Company / Firm option of Rajkap Citizen App feature lockdownpass, or you can apply You can apply for the pass by logging on .in.

5. How can I apply for the pass?

You can apply for the pass by logging onto .

6. My application rejected, how can I re-apply?

Answer - Yes, you can reapply on the correction in the reason of rejected application.


7- Can I apply offline for the pass?

Answer - Yes, you can apply by selecting the Offline system through the Apply for Existing Pass option of the feature lockdownpass of Rajkap Citizen App, you have to attach the previous offline pass in the details entry.

8. I already applied for the pass and how can I get the previously applied pass?

Answer - Yes, after selecting the Rajcop App through the Apply for Existing Pass option of the feature lockdownpass of the Rajkop Citizen App, the list of passes applied by you will be displayed, by selecting the previously applied pass, you can apply again.

How will the police officers check the status of lock down pass ?

Answer - RajCop Official App will open. Select the option of lock down pass. In this screen, you will enter the pass number and click on search. On clicking, the details of the applicant will be displayed. All the information of the applicant will be displayed on clicking If no one has a pass, then for 24 hours the police officer can release the emergency instant pass, click on the button 'Continue immediate pass' to release. On clicking the button, the form will open, in which, after filling the information of the police officer and submitting it, the emergency pass will be released immediately for 24 hours. Such as (delivery case, accident, sudden serious ill, serious injury etc.)



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