Published on Mar 04, 2023
How To Calculate Best Of 5 In ICSE : The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) on Thursday said that ICSE (class 10) and ICS (class 12) exams results will be declared tomorrow at 3 PM, on the official website ‘’ and ‘
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) will declare the Class 10, 12 board exam results on Friday, July 10, 2020, at 3 pm.
Students of class 10 and 12 will be able to check their ICSE, ISC board exam result online at ‘’, and ‘’ after it is announced.
The results of the ICSE and ISC Year 2020 Examinations will be made available through the CAREERS Portal of the Council, the Website of the Council and through SMS.
The schools can access the results by logging into the CAREERS Portal of the Council using the Principal's login ID and password.
1. After logging into the CAREERS portal click on the tile 'Examination System'.
2. On the Menu Bar click on 'ICSE' for accessing the ICSE Year 2020 Examination Results or on 'ISC' for accessing the ISC Year 2020 Examination Results.
3. From the ICSE/ISC menu, click on 'Reports'.
4. Click on 'Result Tabulation' to View/Print the School's Result Tabulation.
5. You may also click on the 'Comparison Table' to View/Print the same.
In case of any doubt, the Schools can contact the CISCE helpdesk at or call 1800-267-1760.
Individual candidates can access the results by logging into the Council's website - or wvvw.results.cisce.orq
1. For receiving the ICSE Year 2020 Examination Results through SMS, the candidate needs to type his/her Unique ID in the following way, in the 'New Message' box : ICSE 1234567 (Seven Digit Unique ID)
2. For receiving the ISE Year 2020 Examination Results through SMS, the candidate needs to type his/her Unique ID in the following way, in the 'New Message' box : ISE 1234567 (Seven Digit Unique ID)
3. Next, send the message to 09248082883.
4. Once you submit the message as soon as the result is announced, it will be sent on your mobile phone.
Last year, the ICSE class 10 result was declared on May 7, 2019. Approximately, 1,96,271 students appeared in the exams and the overall pass percentage was 98.54. Read the complete article below to know more about ICSE 10th result 2020, steps to check it, and more..
The Council will use these three (03) factors for derive marks for the remaining ICSE 2020 examination.
1. Average of best three subjects in which a candidate appeared for will be used for calculating marks for the remaining papers.
2. Marks obtained in the internal assessment of the papers.
3. Percentage of marks obtained in the internal assessment of the papers.
Those who qualify the exam by obtaining minimum passing marks will be issued mark sheet. It is generally collected by the students from their respective school, however, it can also be downloaded by the students fro DigiLocker app. To get CISCE class 10th mark sheet and other certificate from the Digilocker, students may follow the instructions as provided below:
• Firstly, you have to download the digilocker app from the google play store.
• Next, you will need to register by entering your mobile number.
• Once you submit your mobile number, an OTP will be sent via SMS. Enter the provided OTP to verify your mobile number.
• After this, you can upload your Aadhar card details and then can download the necessary documents.
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