Published on Mar 04, 2023
Subhiksha Kerala Government Order : The Kerala Government's program 'Subhiksha Keralam' Project or Padhathi aims to combat food scarcity in the state, the Kerala state agriculture department has started converting fallow lands into farms. The government is targeting around 25,000 hectares of fallow land to convert to farms.
Subhiksha Keralam Padhathi is a convergence scheme where all the departments are merging together. The government is trying to create good models of integrated farming so that expenditure is reduced and income is more.
It is necessary to collect data on those who want to get the masses into the agriculture sector and deliver the financial and technical assistance they need in a timely manner. This farmer registration portal has been developed as part of the Government of Kerala's Prosperity Kerala Project with the objective of collecting, compiling and coordinating the information required for this purpose.
The portal website is
AIMS is an integrated system developed for the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare to provide departmental services efficiently to farmers with the help of Information Technology. SMART is the major component of AIMS which provides work flow based claim processing suite for processing farmer applications to avail benefits from Government. One Time Registration facility is available for farmers to get themselves registered in SMART. SMART Registration ID can be utilized to avail various services from department in future. Registered farmers are provided with a personalized dashboard.
1. Vist the Page (കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിലോ മൊബൈൽ ഫോണിലോ ബ്രൌസർ ഓപ്പൺ ചെയ് എന്ന് അഡ്രസ് ബാറിൽ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക.)
2. Enter New Registration. Then it will ask whether you are an Individual, Group or Institutions. (പുതിയ റെജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ എന്ന ഭാഗത്തു ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക വ്യക്തി എന്ന ബട്ടണിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)
3. Select Individual and enter the Mobile Number. (തുടർന്ന് ലഭിക്കുന്ന പേജിൽ അപേക്ഷകന്റെ മൊബൈൽ നമ്പർ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക Send OTP അമർത്തി മൊബൈലിൽ OTP വരുന്നതിനായി കാത്തിരിക്കുക.)
4. You will get an OTP to the Mobile Number. (മൊബൈലിൽ ലഭിച്ച OTP "OTP" എന്ന കോളത്തിൽ നൽകി OK ബട്ടൺ അമർത്തുക.)
5. Enter the Mobile Number and you will reach the Registration Page. (മൊബൈൽ നമ്പർ കൊടുക്കുക. അടുത്ത ഒരു പേജ് ഓപ്പൺ ആകുന്നു)
6. First you have to enter the Basic Details Like Category, Name of Institution, Mobile Number, Address, District and Post Office.( ഇവിടെ നിങ്ങളുടെ അഡ്രസ്, സ്ഥാപനം, ജനനത്തീയതി, ജാതി വിഭാഗം, താമസിക്കുന്ന ജില്ല, വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ യോഗ്യത എന്നിവ അതാതു കോളങ്ങളിൽ നൽകുക)
7. Next Enter you Bank Details like IFSC and Bank Account Number. (അടുത്തതായി ബാങ്കിലെ വിവരങ്ങളും IFSC, അക്കൗണ്ട് നമ്പർ എന്നിവ നൽകുക)
8. Then Enter your desired Password Twice.( ഇനി നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് ഇഷ്ടമുള്ള പാസ്സ്വേർഡ് രണ്ടു തവണ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക)
9. Then Click Create User. (ഇനി "Create User" ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)
10. Now the Registration is Done. (നിങ്ങളുടെ റെജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ പൂർത്തിയായി കഴിഞ്ഞു)
Department of Agriculture Development and Farmers' Welfare
Government of Kerala
Vikas Bhavan -Thiruvananthapuram
agridir[at], subhikshakeralam[at]
0471 2303990, 0471 230912
District panchayat president V.K.Madhu said here on Wednesday that the State has been able to start various types of farming activitities with the participation of the public in large numbers.
The district panchayat has been running a similar project called Saphala. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan gave a call to increase agricultural production to achieve self-sufficiency, after which the Subhiksha Keralam project was formulated.
Workers of the Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Scheme, Kudumbashree volunteers, cooperative banks, volunteers and farmers' organisations are part of the activities. The Agriculture Department is providing quality seeds and saplings, sourced from agricultural farms and universities. Mr. Madhu said that farming will begin in the remaining areas by June end.
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