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Bihar Migrant Workers Return Registration : Lockdown Curfew Online Pass

Published on Mar 04, 2023

Bihar Migrant Workers Return Registration : Lockdown Curfew Online Pass

Bihar Migrant Workers Return Registration : : As per the New guidelines after Lockdown 3.0 the Ministry of Home Affairs allows giving permission of Interstate Movement for Migrant Workers, Labours, Students, Pilgrims, Tourists and other people on the mutual agreement form the State and union territories (UTs) concerned.

• The People will be allowed to movement form One State/UT to another State/ UT, after the mutually agree with each other only.

• The People will be allowed to movement form One State/UT to another State/ UT, after the mutually agree with each other only.

• All the state appoint a Nodal Officer to execute Movement of Stranded Migrant Workers very safely.

• Each and every migrant Worker must be screened and if found asymptomatic then only allowed to movement from one to another state.

• There will be people allowed to send by buses and trains after proper Sanitization before and after.

Apply for Bihar E-Pass Online : Migrant Registration

1. Open the website

2. First you have to Register with Mobile Number and Email ID.

3. You will get a Onetime Password on your Mobile for Registration.

4. You have to enter the OTP to confirm the Registration.

5. Now click on the Login Button on the Top Right Corner.

6. Enter your login details like email id or mobile number and then password.

7. Click Apply Online.

8. Then you will have to enter the Applicant Information like Applicant Name, Village, District etc..

9. You also have to Destination Details, Destination District, Vehicle Details, Route Details, Destination Taluka, Driver Details etc...

10. Click Next and You have to Attach the proof of Identifaction like Driving License or Any Govt. issued Identification card or ID Proof of working in concerned office / shop.

11. After attaching just check whether the Attachment has been uploaded successfully.

12. Then click the Submit Button.

13. Now all the details you submitted will be shown in the next page with E-Pass ID .

14. Please take the printout and show at the time of travel.

How to Check the Status of Pass Online:

1. Click the link

2. Enter the Login ID and Password

3. The Pass will be shown in the next Page.

4. You should submit it for the Interstate Travel.

Documents Required for E PASS Registration

• Driving License

• Any Govt. issued Identification card

• ID Proof of working in concerned office / shop

Proof Needed In Service Attachment

• Vehicle RC

• Other Document

• Proof of Registration with Government / Corporation

FAQs asked by people who intend to return to Bihar after Lockdown

1. When can I return to Bihar?

You can return to Bihar ONLY after lockdown restrictions are removed.

2. Do I need to register for entry into Bihar?

Yes, entry into the Gram Panchayat or Urban Local Body area will be only after the registration through the Government Portal.

3. Why do I need to register with Govt. of Bihar to return to Bihar?

In view of the Corona pandemic, all the persons returning to Bihar will have to undergo mandatory 14-day quarantine as a precautionary measure. Government will be creating quarantine facilities in the Gram Panchayats and Urban Local Body areas.

The registration is required for the Government to make the required arrangements for the Quarantine.

4. How do I Register?

The Registration can be made on the portal -

It can be self-registration by you.

The Gram Panchayat and the Urban Local Body (ULB) have also been authorized to make the registration.

You can request your family member/friend in the village or town, to register on your behalf. They can approach the Gram Panchayat office or ULB office for the registration.

5. What is Quarantine? Why do I need to undergo Quarantine? What facilities are there in the Quarantine Center?

Quarantine is restriction on the movement of people to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, the quarantine is required to prevent the spread of the disease. A 14-day mandatory quarantine is required for all the people coming from outside the State.

The Government has created Quarantine facilities in the Gram Panchayat/ ULBs. These facilities have provision for free accommodation, free food, free toilet items and free medical care etc.

6. Will I get any financial incentive if I register?

No. Only registering your name in the portal will not entitle you to get any financial incentive. There is financial incentive of Rs. 2000/- for returning through the government procedure and successful completion of the 14-day quarantine. The successful completion means following all the directions given for quarantine.

7. What is the travel arrangement to come to Bihar and to go home in village or in town?

The State Government is trying to arrange special trains/bus for transportation of people from outside the State to identified stations or bus stands. It will be intimated to you only when it is arranged.

You can also come to Bihar in public transport like regular train service, inter-state bus service or by flight when it is opened by Government of India.

From the Station and the Bus stand in Bihar, your concerned Gram Panchayat or Urban Local Body authorities will make transportation arrangement to take you to the Gram Panchayat or ULB Quarantine Centers.

8. Can I use a private vehicle to return to Bihar? And what is the procedure of inter-state movement?

Yes. You can come by a private vehicle. But the registration is mandatory and a pass will be issued for the travel purpose. You should not start the journey without obtaining the Pass.

9. Are there any procedural checks that I need to do once I arrive in Bihar?

After reaching the arriving point (railway station/ bus station/airport) in Bihar, please contact the GP/ULB nodal officer. They will guide you to the Quarantine facilities. There will be a mandatory 14-day Quarantine period. Only on successful completion, you will be allowed to go anywhere else – like returning home, or visiting relatives or work etc.

10. I don’t have any symptoms. Should I still be quarantined?

Yes, 14-day quarantine is mandatory for all persons returning to Bihar (even without any symptoms)

11. My work has started in Bangalore/Hyderabad. Since I don’t have any symptoms, can I go back even though my quarantine will end in next few days?

No, once returned to Bihar, there is a mandatory 14-day quarantine period.

12. Can I cancel after I register?

Yes, you can cancel. After registration, if you do not want to travel to Bihar, you can intimate through the portal by yourself or by your family members/relatives staying in Bihar. You can also inform the Nodal officer of the GP/ULB over telephone. (The Nodal officer details will be sent to you after registration)

13. If I come to Bihar without registration or don’t undergo 14-day mandatory quarantine then what action will be taken against me?

If you come to Bihar without registration or you don’t undergo compulsory 14-day quarantine or you do not follow quarantine norms during the period of quarantine, stringent action will be taken against you under Disaster Management Act 2005.

Links for registration of migrants who are stuck in different states and wish to go back to their home states

1. Madhya Pradesh:

2. Gujarat:

From Gujarat to others states:

From Delhi to Gujarat:

From Haryana to Gujarat:

From Punjab to Gujarat:

From Himachal Pradesh to Gujarat:

From J&K to Gujarat:

From Ladakh to Gujarat:

3. Punjab: Persons wanting to go to their home states may register at this portal:

4. Maharashtra :

5. Rajasthan:

6. Himachal Pradesh:

7. Tamil Nadu:

8. Haryana:

9. Karnataka:

10. Uttarakhand: This link has both registration links for people coming to Uttarakhand and people wanting to go out of Uttarakhand.

11. Odisha:



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