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CBSE 10th Distinction Percentage 2020 : CBSE 2020 Class 10 Results @

Published on Aug 03, 2020

CBSE 10th Distinction Percentage 2020 : CBSE 2020 Class 10 Results @


CBSE 10th Distinction Percentage 2020 : CBSE 10th 12th Result 2020: CBSE 12th Result Published on 13th July. CBSE class 10th results has been declared Today. The 18 lakh students who have taken the CBSE class 10 examination can check their result online at Check scores at,

In school wise results for 12th Class, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) have the best pass percentage of 98.70%, followed by Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) at 98.62%. Private schools have the lowest pass percentage of 88.22% this year. Appeared candidates can able to check their 12th Class Arts, Commerce and Science Exam Result through this web page by using their exam roll number & name wise or official web site

CBSE 10th Distinction Percentage 2020

Kendriya Vidyalaya has recorded the highest pass percent at 99.23 followed by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya at 98.66.

1. KV 99.23

2. JNV 98.66

3. CTSA 93.67


5. GOVT 80.91

6. GOVT AIDED 77.82

Candidates can check their results online using their Roll Number, School Number, Center Number, Admit Card ID. The scorecard which will be released online is provisional students will have to collect the original mark sheet from their schools. Candidates make sure to check the Marksheet carefully once the result is released online.

How to Check CBSE 10 Result 2020 Online

Step 1:

Candidates should visit the official website of CBSE

Step 2:

On the Home Page, Scroll Down to the “Student Corner” section.

Step 3:

On the new page click on “CBSE 2020 Results” tab

Step 4:

Fill the required Details such as Application Form Registration No. and DOB.

Step 5:

Click on the link for Secondary School Examination (Class X) /Senior School Certificate (Class XII)

Step 6:

Enter the required details like Name, Roll number and Admit card ID

Step 7:

Click on the submit button and your result will appear on the screen.


Check Result Through SMS

Those unable to access the results via the internet can avail an SMS service.

Students can also view their results on the UMANG mobile application and by sending an SMS —

cbse10 <rollno> <sch no> <center no> to 7738299899 for 10th Class
cbse12 <rollno> <sch no> <center no> to 7738299899 for 12th Class

The board will also provide Class 12 digital marksheets on DigiLocker at

Students can use the myCBSE app available on Google Play to check their results. They have to pre-register for it.

Google has also partnered with CBSE to make it easier for students to find their results and other exam-related information. All students have to do is go to and type CBSE result to get the pertinent link.

CBSE 10th Result – Last Year's Statistics as per

The students are unable to set realistic expectations with regards to the upcoming CBSE Result 2020 of Class 10. Due to high competition, many students who are high performers at school-level also suffer when it comes to CBSE Class 10 Results. Therefore, to help students to set the right and practical expectations, we have provided the last year's CBSE 10 Result statistics below. These statistics will help the students to gauge their competition and performance and be prepared for the outcome of their hard work in the form of CBSE 10th Result 2020.

Last year, the CBSE had conducted the Class 10 examinations from 21st February to 29th March 2019. The board declared the CBSE 10th results on its official website

Keeping the aforementioned statistics in mind, the CBSE Board expects the overall success ratio to mark a significant improvement this year. Similarly, the students are also hoping for a better performance as it would help them for higher studies.

CBSE 10th Result 2020 – Rechecking/Re-evaluation

The students who feel that their efforts are not truly justified in the CBSE 10th result 2020 as they have scored less than expected marks can apply for rechecking/re-evaluation. CBSE allows the students to register for rechecking and re-evaluation online. Students willing to apply for the same need to pay the required fee along with filling up the rechecking and/or re-evaluation form. Any changes in the CBSE Class 10 2020 result will be updated on the scorecards of the candidates and a fresh marksheet will be issued by the board.

CBSE 10th Result 2020 Toppers

The Central Board of Secondary Education will announce the names of the toppers in CBSE 10th result 2020. The CBSE 10th result toppers will be announced by the Board along with the formal declaration of the result. The Board along with announcing the names of the toppers will also announce the names of the top performing regions of the country in order of overall passing percentage. Last year, 13 students obtained 499 out of 500 in the CBSE 10th results, i.e. 13 students shared the top position which included - Siddhant Pengoriya, Yogesh Kumar Gupta, Divyansh Wadhwa, Ankur Mishra, Manya, Vatsal Varshney, Taru Jain, Aryan Jha, Bhavana N Sivadas, Ish Madan, Divjot Kaur Jaggi, Apoorva Jain and Shivani Lath.



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