Published on Nov 15, 2020
Navratri Quotes 2020 : Navratri 2020 Starts on October 17, Saturday Navrati ends with Saraswati Visarjan on October 23, Friday. The tenth day is Dussehra , which falls on October 25, Sunday.
Sharad Navratri 2020 or Maha Navratri is commonly celebrated during the Indian month of Ashvina that commences from the first day of the lunar fortnight. As per the English calendar, it usually falls in the months of September and October.
The Festival is celebrated for nine nights and devotees pray, take part in the Dandiya Raas and Garba and offer prasad to please Goddess Durga.
1. May the true Mother Durga bless you and your family with all her wonderful blessings. Happy Navratri from my family to yours.
2. Wishing you wonderful nine nights of devotion and happiness. Happy Navaratri.
3. Celebrate this joyous occasion with love and kindness. Happy Navaratri to everybody.
4. I wish you get blessed with happiness and may all your dreams come true on this delightful occasion. Happy Navratri.
5. May Maa Durga bless you with happiness, good health, and prosperity. Let’s share all our joy and fun together in this Navratri.
6. Wishing you a very happy Navaratri and a lot of cheers.
7. Wishing you very Happy Navaratri. May your devotion bring great colors in your life.
8. May the Goddess Durga illuminate your life with countless blessings and give you lots of happiness. Happy Navratri 2020!
9. My heart wants nothing but the best for my family because I have the best family in the world. Happy Navaratri everybody.
10. On this auspicious day of Navratri, I wish for all the good things for you! Have a safe and great Navratri with your family and friends.
11. May you become victorious over all the problems in life just like the goddess Durga emerged victorious over the evil. Wishing you nine wonderful nights of peace and happiness!
12. “Wishing a very Happy Navratri to you…. May the day festive nights be full of celebrations, happiness and vibrancy for you.”
13. “May the wonderful occasion of Navratri be full of high spirits and bright colours, happiness and prosperity…. Wishing a cheerful and memorable Navratri to you.”
14. “Wishing a very Happy Navratri to everyone…. May you and your loved ones are always protected from the evil and surround you with goodness and happiness.”
15. “On the occasion of Navratri, may all your wishes come true…. May you find success in everything you do…. May you are always blessed.”
16. “The most awaited time of the year is here…. May the bright colours and high spirits of Navratri stay with you forever to make this life a more beautiful for you…. Happy Navratri!!!”
The festival begins with the bright and vibrant Orange. This colour signifies energy and happiness. Hindus worship Goddess Shailputri on this day.
White is the colour for Day 2, which is a symbol of peace and purity. Hindus worship Goddess Brahmacharini on this day.
People wear red colour on the third day of Navratri. It signifies beauty and fearlessness. Hindus worship Goddess Chandraghanta on this day.
The colour of the fourth day of Navratri is royal blue. This colour is considered good for health and wealth. Hindus worship Goddess Kushmanda on this day.
People wear the colour yellow on the fifth day of the festival. The colour stands for happiness and brightness. Hindus worship Goddess Skandamata on Day 5.
This colour of the sixth day signifies new beginnings and growth. Hindus worship Goddess Katyayani on Day 6.
The colour of the seventh day is grey, a colour which stands for the strength of transforming. Hindus worship Goddess Kalaratri on Day 6 and this day is called the Saptami.
Called Ashtami, many people perform Kanjaks on this day. The colour of the day, purple, signifies the power of intellect and peace. People worship Goddess Mahagauri on this day.
This day is called Navami and is the last day of the Navratri festival. Rituals are performed on this day and Goddess Siddhidhatri is worshipped. The colour peacock green is believed to fulfill the desires of devotees.
The 9-day festival commences on Vijayadashami or Dussehra, which is the tenth day of the festivities. Dussehra as we all know signifies the victory of good over evil. However, the stories vary from region to region. People from the South, East and North-east celebrate this day as the victory of Maa Durga - also known as Durga Puja.
The festival is associated to the prominent battle that took place between Durga and demon Mahishasura and celebrates the victory of Good over Evil.[18] These nine days are solely dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine Avatars.[19] Each day is associated to an incarnation of the goddess:
Known as Pratipada, this day is associated with Shailaputri (literally "Daughter of Mountain"), an incarnation of Parvati. It is in this form that the Goddess is worshiped as the consort of Shiva; she is depicted as riding the bull, Nandi, with a trishula in her right hand and lotus in her left. Shailaputri is considered to be the direct incarnation of Mahakali. The color of the day is red, which depicts action and vigor.
On Dwitiya, Goddess Brahmacharini, another incarnation of Parvati, is worshiped. In this form, Parvati became Sati, her unmarried self. Brahmacharini is worshiped for emancipation or moksha and endowment of peace and prosperity. Depicted as walking bare feet and holding a japamala and kamandal in her hands, she symbolizes bliss and calm. Blue is the color code of this day. Blue color depicts tranquility yet strong energy.
Tritiya commemorates the worship of Chandraghanta - the name derived from the fact that after marrying Shiva, Parvati adorned her forehead with the ardhachandra (lit. half-moon). She is the embodiment of beauty and is also symbolic of bravery. Yellow is the color of the third day, which is a vivacious color and can pep up everyone's mood.
Goddess Kushmanda is worshiped on Chaturthi. Believed to be the creative power of the universe, Kushmanda associated with the endowment of vegetation on earth and hence, the color of the day is Green. She is depicted as having eight arms and sits on a Tiger.
Skandamata, the goddess worshiped on Panchami, is the mother of Skanda (or Kartikeya). The color of Grey is symbolic of the transforming strength of a mother when her child is confronted with danger. She is depicted riding a ferocious lion, having four arms and holding her baby.
Born to sage Katyayana, she is an incarnation of Durga and is shown to exhibit courage which is symbolized by the color Orange. Known as the warrior goddess, she is considered one of the most violent forms of Goddess Parvati. In this avatar, Kātyāyanī rides a lion and has four hands.
Considered the most ferocious form of Goddess Durga, Kalaratri is revered on Saptami. It is believed that Parvati removed her fair skin to kill the demons Sumbha and Nisumbha. The color of the day is White. On Saptami, the Goddess appears in a white color attire with a lot of rage in her fiery eyes, her skin turns black. The white color portrays prayer and peace and ensures the devotees that the Goddess will protect them from harm.
Mahagauri symbolizes intelligence and peace. The color associated with this day is Pink which depicts optimism.
On the last day of the festival also known as Navami, people pray to Siddhidhatri. Sitting on a lotus, she is believed to possess and bestows all types of Siddhis. Here she has four hands. Also known as Saraswati Devi. The light blue color of the day portrays an admiration towards nature's beauty.
* Fried or boiled potatoes
* Kadhi prepared with kuttu atta and sea salt
* Aloo tikki
* Banana chips
* Makhane ki sabzi
* Fruits and fruit juices
* Sabudana kheer
* Curd
* Lassi
* Kuttu atta roti with kaddu sabzi or aloo sabzi
According to some Hindu texts such as the Shakta and Vaishnava Puranas, Navaratri theoretically falls twice or four times a year. Of these, the Sharada Navaratri near autumn equinox (September–October) is the most celebrated and the Vasanta Navaratri near spring equinox (March–April) is the next most significant to the culture of the Indian subcontinent. In all cases, Navaratri falls in the bright half of the Hindu lunisolar months. The celebrations vary by region, leaving much to the creativity and preferences of the Hindu.
The most celebrated of the four Navaratri, named after Sharada which means autumn. It is observed the lunar month of Ashvin (post-monsoon, September–October). In many regions, the festival falls after the autumn harvest, and in others during harvest.
The second most celebrated, named after vasanta which means spring. It is observed the lunar month of Chaitra (post-winter, March–April). In many regions the festival falls after spring harvest, and in others during harvest.
The other two Navratris are observed regionally or by individuals:
in Magha (January–February), winter season. The fifth day of this festival is often independently observed as Vasant Panchami or Basant Panchami, the official start of spring in the Hindu tradition wherein goddess Saraswati is revered through arts, music, writing, kite flying. In some regions, the Hindu god of love, Kama is revered.
in Ashadha (June–July), the start of the monsoon season.
The Sharada Navaratri commences on the first day (pratipada) of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Ashvini. The festival is celebrated for nine nights once every year during this month, which typically falls in the Gregorian months of September and October. The exact dates of the festival are determined according to the Hindu lunisolar calendar, and sometimes the festival may be held for a day more or a day less depending on the adjustments for sun and moon movements and the leap year.
The festivities extend beyond goddess Durga and god Rama. Various other goddesses such as Saraswati and Lakshmi, gods such as Ganesha, Kartikeya, Shiva, and Krishna are regionally revered. For example, a notable pan-Hindu tradition during Navaratri is the adoration of Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge, learning, music, and arts through Ayudha Puja. On this day, which typically falls on the ninth day of Navaratri after the Good has won over Evil through Durga or Rama, peace and knowledge is celebrated. Warriors thank, decorate and worship their weapons, offering prayers to Saraswati. Musicians upkeep their musical instruments, play and pray to them. Farmers, carpenters, smiths, pottery makers, shopkeepers and all sorts of tradespeople similarly decorate and worship their equipment, machinery, and tools of trade. Students visit their teachers, express respect and seek their blessings.This tradition is particularly strong in South India, but is observed elsewhere too.
Navaratri is celebrated in different ways throughout India.Some fast, others feast. Some revere the same Mother Goddess but different aspects of her, while others revere avatars of Vishnu, particularly of Rama. The Chaitra Navaratri culminates in Rama Navami on the ninth day and the Sharada Navaratri culminates in Durga Puja and Dussehra.
The Rama Navami remembers the birth of Rama, preceded by nine days of Ramayana recital particularly among the Vaishnava temples. In the past, Shakta Hindus used to recite Durga's legends during the Chaitra Navaratri, but this practice around the spring equinox has been declining. For most contemporary Hindus, it is the Navaratri around the autumn equinox that is the major festival and the one observed. To Bengali Hindus and to Shakta Hindus outside of eastern and northeastern states of India, the term Navaratri implies Durga Puja in the warrior goddess aspect of Devi. In other traditions of Hinduism, the term Navaratri implies something else or the celebration of Hindu goddess but in her more peaceful forms such as Saraswati – the Hindu goddess of knowledge, learning, music, and other arts. In Nepal, Navaratri is called Dasain, and is a major annual homecoming and family event that celebrates the bonds between elders and youngsters with Tika Puja, as well as across family and community members
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