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Kerala Beverages Online Booking : BEVCO Kerala Liquor Online Sale App

Published on Mar 04, 2023

Kerala Beverages Online Booking : BEVCO Kerala Liquor Online Sale App


Kerala Beverages Online Booking : Beverages Corporation is looking for online sale of liquor in the state. Bevco is gearing up for online sale of foreign liquor. This is the first time in kerala the government is implementing a virtual queue system for liquor sales.

The App name is "BevQ". It is available in the Playstore.

BEVQ App Download Link :

A virtual queue is what the government is planning for and those who want to get liquor online has to register their names they will be able to know from where they can get the same and they will have to collect the same in a stipulated time.


One will be able to collect only within the allocated time and limited no of people will be able to collect in a particular time.

It is a long-standing wish for many of those who rely on others to buy liquor and those who don’t want to be on a queue to have an app like this.

There will be rush in the initial days of app launch as many people will be downloading and installing the app and will place order at least to check how it is working and it will be a proud moment to order the liquor online

BEVCO Kerala Liquor App Opening Date

Kerala Beverages Online Booking : As per sources all Beverages / Consumer Fed Outlets and Bar Counters will open by the fourth week of May (19th of May 2020) after the present nationwide lock-down period.

Kerala State Beverages Mobile App (Bevco App Kerala) to be launched soon.

In the aftermath of the partial breakdown of law and order in and around the liquor outlets in some states, after it was recently opened, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan was forced to ask State Police Chief Loknath Behera to find out how best can security be maintained in case the retail outlets open.

So with that plan already in hand, the authorities expect with a virtual sale protocol in place, things can be managed as it will be a boon for both tipplers and the state finances.

Around five lakh people in Kerala, consume liquor on a daily basis. Of this, around 83,851 people including 1043 women are addicted to alcohol, according to state government statistics.

How to purchase the Liquor from the App

Kerala Beverages Online Booking : Once the customer initiates the process, the system will give him/her a choice of the outlets near his/her locality. After selecting the outlet he will get the time to reach the shop. The choice of the outlet can be manual or automatic, according to the decision of the Beverages Corporation. So, the customer can plan his/her purchase accordingly from the counter without crowding as the present rules prevent the assembly of not more than five persons at the counter

Liquor will be available to order as bottles of certain quantities not in peg rates.

Order the brand of your choice from the comfort of your home.

One can place an order of up to 3 liters of liquor in a single transaction and once is 5 days.

If one person has ordered liquor using the app and collected the same he will not be able to make an order in the next 5 days.

Though tempting, the state government is keeping a safe distance from the proposal of home delivery of liquor for the time being, though the Supreme Court has given a nod for the same. On March 20, the Kerala High Court had taken a firm stand against the home delivery of alcohol. A man who sought judicial sanction for home delivery of liquor 'for fear of catching the coronavirus from the crowds at the local shops' was fined Rs 50,000. While dismissing his plea, the court directed the man to give the amount to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund.

The Kerala State Beverages (M&M) Corporation Limited is a fully owned Kerala Government Company which was incorporated in the year 1984 and it was entrusted by Government with the monopoly purchase and distribution of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), Beer, Wine, Foreign Made Foreign Liquor (FMFL) and Foreign Made Wine (FMW) in the State of Kerala. The Corporation has also been entrusted with major portion of the Retail Shops in the State. At present, the Corporation conducts its wholesale activities from 23 Warehouses in various districts of the state and retail business from 270 Retail Shops spread all over Kerala. The Head Office of the Corporation is situated in BEVCO TOWER, Vikas Bhavan P O, Palayam Thiruvananthapuram. The Corporation is one of the major contributors to the State Exchequer.

Dry Days

a) In the State of Kerala on the following days all the liquor-vending outlets (Retails, Bars, Clubs etc) have to be kept compulsorily closed.

1) Gandhi Jayanthi

2) Commemoration Day of Mahatma Gandhi

3) Samadhi day of Sree Narayana Guru

4) Birth Day of Sree Narayana Guru

b) On the 1st of every English Calendar Month the liquor-vending units have to be kept closed as per administrative instruction of Government.

c) In all areas of election the liquor vending licenses have to be kept closed on the day of polling and previous day. During counting the liquor licenses have to be closed as per the notification of local authority.

The above dates and days are the 'Dry Days' in enforcing the Abkari Act in Kerala.

2. a) Do's

1) Always buy liquor from an authorized liquor shop.

2) The Consumers buying liquor from an authorized liquor shop must positively ensure the presence of Holographic Security Labels in the bottle caps.

3) Always check the seal of the bottle before purchasing.

4) While purchasing liquor from the shop always insist on cash-memo (bill)

5) Do remember to obtain cash balance if any due before leaving the counter.

b) Don'ts:

1) Do not pay more than the prescribed price or MRP printed on the bottle or duly exhibited on the Notice Board.

2) In Kerala the permissible quantity of liquor that can be possessed and carried is 3 litres of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, 3.5 litres of Beer, 3.5 litres of Wine.

3) Do not buy liquor from illegal shops or sources.

4) If you are under 18 years, you are strictly prohibited from purchasing liquor.

5) Liquor marked as for Army Canteen supply is exclusively meant for army personnel and not for general public


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