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What is Chance Number in HSCAP - HSCAP Plus One Ekajalakam Registration 2020

Published on Mar 04, 2023

What is Chance Number in HSCAP - HSCAP Plus One Ekajalakam Registration 2020


What is Chance Number in HSCAP : : Kerala Higher Secondary Education Department (HSE) will be inviting online applications from eligible students for studying Kerala Plus One admission 2020 (HSE/ VHSE) through the Ekajalakam Single Windows admission system. Kerala Higher Secondary admission will be conducted through the Centralized Allotment Process system, this procedure is called Single Window or Ekajalakam admission.

Kerala eleventh Class Admission (HSE / VHSE) has been conducted for years through the HSCAP / VHSCAP website Who have passed in the SSLC examination, they can submit online application through Higher Secondary Centralized Allotment Process (HSCAP) website to study plus one course in the academic year 2020-21.

What is Chance Number in HSCAP - Live Updates

1. Visit the page

2. Enter the District, School, Category and Course.

3. In the next page, LAST RANK & WGPA DETAILS will be displayed.

Chance Number

Candidates who want to join plus one courses in Kerala should submit the online application and all supporting documents through HSCAP. Last date for submitting the online application is August 14, 2020. HSCAP will be processing this online application and publish the allotment list for plus one admission. The allotment list will be prepared on the basis of scores obtained by the candidate from their qualifying examination.

HSCAP allotment and admission process involve two stages. The first one is the main allotment which contain two allotments ie Plus one first allotment and Plus one second allotment. After the main allotment HSCAP will conduct a supplementary allotment that would be used to fill the vacancies of plus one seats after the main first and second allotments.

How to check Kerala Plus One Admission Result at the HSCAP website

1. Go to the site

2. Download the prospectus from the site.

3. Read the instructions for online registration

4. Click on the link "APPLY ONLINE - SWS" in the left side of the web page

5. You will get the screen "SWS ONLINE APPLICATION ENTRY (2020-2021)"

Plus One Admission

6. Select the district where you like to apply (Application District ) and submit.

7. You will get a candidate login page where you could enter basic information of application. enter the details and submit.

8. Next page is the "Plus one online application form " where you could enter the application details and the options for the courses. Enter the required details as per the prospectus and submit online application.

9. Take a printout of the online application for future reference.

Eligibility Criteria for +1

 Students must have cleared class 1oth Exam from the recognized board

 Admission will depend on the Weightage Grade Point Average of the candidate.

Application Fee for Plus One

 The Application Fee is Rs 25/- Only.

 Application Form will be released on 29 July 2020.

 Photocopy of Marksheet of CBSE/SSLC/THSLC should be submitted along with the form.

 Students from CBSE will have to submit residence proof and community certificates.

 Certificate of Native Panchyat.

 Caste Certificate (If Applicable).

 Copy of swimming certificate having the seal of Sports Council (if applicable).

 NCC/SPC/Scout/Red Cross certificates.

 Sports/Yout Festival/Science Fair/IT/Work Experience Certificate.

Q1. When is the last date for the application process for HSCAP?

Ans. HSCAP application process begins from 29 July 2020 – 14th August 2020.

Q2. When will Merit List for HSCAP Admission will be released?

Ans. Merit List for HSCAP Admission will be released in the month of August 2020.

Q3. Can I pay the application fees online?

Ans. No, you will have to pay the application fees to school along with the application form.

Documents Required For HSCAP Kerala Plus One Admission

• Copy of SSLC/ THSLC/ CBSE Exams should be submitted along with the application

• Club participation certificate

• NTSE certificate

• Dependent on Jawan/ Ex-Servicemen certificate copy

• Certificates of Sports/ Science Fair/ Youth Festival/ IT/ Work Experience need to submit if any. (The student must have participated in the event while studying in 10th STD)

• Copy of swimming certificate from the Panchayat having the seal of Sports Council

Kerala Plus One Admission 2020 – Important Dates



Plus one Admission/application form

29th July 2020 – Started

Last date to fill the application form

14th August 2020

Plus One Trial allotment 2020 Date

18th August 2020

Date of allotment of seats (1st)

24th August 2020

Last date for 1st Allotment

15th September 2020

Commencement of classes

To Be Notified Soon

1st Supplementary Allotment Result

To Be Notified Soon

2nd Supplementary Allotment Result

To Be Notified Soon

 അപേക്ഷ ഓൺലൈൻ ആയി സമർപ്പിക്കുമ്പോൾ എന്തെങ്കിലും തരത്തിലുള്ള ബുദ്ധിമുട്ട് ഉണ്ടാകുകയാണെങ്കിൽ എന്ന ഇമെയിലിലൂടെ ഐസിടി സെല്ലിൽ അറിയിക്കേണ്ടതാണ്

 Phone Number is 0471-2529855, 0471-2529856 ,0471 2529857

 അപേക്ഷ പൂർണമായും ഓൺലൈൻ ആയാണ് സമർപ്പിക്കേണ്ടത്

 രേഖകളും ഫീസും പ്രവേശന സമയത്തു ഹാജരാക്കിയാൽ മതി


Thamanna · Aug 24, 2021

What is the meaning of chance number. It isnt mentioned anywhere in this page

Dhiya · Aug 17, 2020

My chance number is 1...that means what??
