Kerala Lottery Results

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Kerala Lottery Result LIVE Today 3 PM 30.7.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 426

Published on Aug 18, 2024

Kerala Lottery Result LIVE Today 3 PM 30.7.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 426

Kerala Lottery Result 30.7.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 426 Results : Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS426 Draw held on 30/07/2024 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram. The first prize is worth Rs.75 lakh, while the second and third prizes are of Rs.10 lakh and Rs.5,000 respectively. The consolation prize is Rs.8,000.

The result will be live on this page after 3.05 pm. Kindly refresh the page for new numbers. പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് പേജ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

Winning Numbers for Sthree Sakthi SS 426 Lottery


1st Prize - Rs.75,00,000/ -

SP 285478 (CHITTUR)

Agent Name: SUMATHI

Agency No: P 4689

Consolation Prize - Rs.8,000/-

SN 285478 SO 285478 SR 285478 SS 285478 ST 285478 SU 285478 SV 285478 SW 285478 SX 285478 SY 285478 SZ 285478

2nd Prize - Rs.10,00,000/-



Agency No: T 2817

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

3rd Prize - Rs.5,000/-

0364 1489 1597 1813 2689 3626 3734 3898 4048 4820 5261 5658 6108 6906 7517 7544 8904 9234

4th Prize - Rs.2,000/-

1444 2035 3504 4053 6233 7941 7951 7954 8712 9606

5th Prize - Rs.1,000/-

0192 0399 0604 1362 2076 3722 3737 4771 4818 5277 6009 6390 7030 7877 8061 8109 8650 8964 9078 9762

6th Prize - Rs.500/-

0317 0745 0874 0914 1134 1211 1340 1464 2141 2265 2749 2862 2960 3082 3610 4448 4615 4907 4928 5004 5226 5345 5520 5873 6176 6180 6214 6535 6785 6804 6832 7006 7236 7317 7382 7782 7923 8049 8057 8233 8254 8657 8823 8850 9111 9241 9283 9311 9419 9517 9641 9764

7th Prize - Rs.200/-

0387 0558 1025 1148 1281 1568 1714 2011 2650 2723 3805 3967 4069 4195 4235 4388 4652 4912 5015 5487 5862 6659 7242 7442 7560 7601 7956 8021 8040 8050 8350 8659 8737 8803 8943 9036 9394 9654 9663 9665 9757 9845 9848 9899 9943

8th Prize - Rs.100/-

0152 0166 0291 0404 0524 0538 0568 0599 0778 1017 1029 1243 1249 1298 1322 1381 1732 1815 1831 1995 2015 2030 2106 2399 2471 2482 2664 2762 2874 3028 3054 3147 3158 3217 3254 3500 3607 3623 4004 4154 4184 4229 4285 4426 4575 4663 4709 4785 4849 4850 4921 4923 4971 5020 5025 5056 5170 5219 5318 5498 5548 5612 5642 5705 5801 5810 5910 6013 6077 6099 6129 6200 6242 6304 6407 6419 6469 6586 6765 6909 6979 7015 7082 7101 7112 7124 7129 7253 7274 7321 7336 7368 7394 7754 7763 7815 7875 8063 8070 8269 8337 8390 8578 8602 8697 8839 8910 9065 9245 9276 9287 9302 9322 9369 9397 9424 9442 9579 9616 9682 9685 9727 9758 9853 9882 9953

Previous 29.7.24 WinWin W 780 Results

“If you can't see the Lottery Result Please Refresh this page and wait for some time. Also refresh the page to see the newly added numbers.”

Kindly cross-check with the official result to be announced shortly.

Sthree Sakthi SS 426

If the prize money is less than Rs.5,000, the winners can claim the money from any lottery shop in Kerala. If the amount won is above Rs.5,000, the winners will have to surrender their tickets before a bank or government lottery office with id proofs.

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Next Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 427 Draw will be held on 06/08/2024 at GORKY BHAVAN, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM.


Vivek · July 31, 2024


Anonymous · July 30, 2024

ശരിക്ക്കും ലോട്ടറി ആർക്കേലും അടിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ എനിക്ക് ഒരു മൈരും ഇല്ല ഗ്യാരണ്ടി പോലും 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Anonymous · July 30, 2024

കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇപ്പോളെടുത്താലും കാലിയായിരിക്കും

Raja · July 30, 2024


Anil · July 30, 2024

പതിവ് പോലെ ഒരു മൈരും ഇല്ല

Anonymous · July 30, 2024


Puja · July 30, 2024


Santhanamarimuthu · July 29, 2024



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