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Kerala Lottery Result LIVE Today 14.5.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 415

Published on May 14, 2024

Kerala Lottery Result LIVE Today 14.5.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 415

Kerala Lottery Result 14.5.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 415 Results : സ്ത്രീ ശക്തി എസ് എസ് 415 ഫലം : Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS415 Draw held on 14/05/2024 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram. The first prize is worth Rs 75 lakh, while the second and third prizes are of Rs 10 lakh and Rs 5,000 respectively. The consolation prize is Rs 8,000.

The result will be live on this page after 3.05 pm. Kindly refresh the page for new numbers. പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് പേജ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

Winning Numbers for Sthree Sakthi SS 415 Lottery


1st Prize- Rs. 75,00,000/ -


Agent Name: C AKHILAN

Agency No: D 4560

Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/ :

SA 758528 SB 758528 SC 758528 SD 758528 SE 758528 SF 758528 SG 758528 SH 758528 SJ 758528 SL 758528 SM 758528

2nd Prize- Rs. 10,00,000/-


Agent Name: SHEEBA

Agency No: R 7783

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

3rd Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

0122 0524 0997 1005 1820 3030 3086 3113 4426 4489 4842 6227 6632 6649 7235 7751 9140 9809

4th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-

1492 1527 1975 2149 3606 8008 8332 8441 8848 9027

5th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

0177 0209 0866 0994 3132 3221 3390 4770 4892 4997 5346 5413 5428 6615 7100 7334 7838 7927 8541 9461

6th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0298 0544 0724 0849 0926 1093 1129 1181 1255 1528 2509 2556 2749 2754 2945 3657 3699 4149 4216 4290 4501 4551 4707 4732 5298 5773 5835 5886 6173 6548 6679 6706 6717 7238 7283 7291 7537 7561 7668 7764 7899 8142 8195 8196 8261 8271 8575 8792 8845 8884 9032 9882

7th Prize- Rs. 200/-

0341 1205 1217 1333 1521 1816 2056 2140 2230 2338 2861 2873 2933 3061 3076 3236 3419 3841 4069 4420 5033 5108 5123 5706 5746 5748 5853 5931 6015 6085 6191 6208 6325 6382 6944 7540 8199 8256 8759 8812 9071 9221 9340 9420 9860

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0034 0037 0225 0248 0263 0506 0609 0661 0837 0851 1001 1097 1199 1204 1211 1272 1391 1464 1542 1549 1609 1657 1683 1685 1886 1974 1980 2000 2051 2176 2365 2599 2639 2644 2661 2691 2816 2919 2925 2961 2979 3023 3069 3175 3332 3554 3568 3600 3814 3915 4013 4076 4128 4381 4454 4573 4629 4701 4809 4870 4998 5019 5156 5207 5277 5290 5491 5570 5752 5823 5899 5933 5945 5973 6023 6038 6149 6230 6323 6350 6435 6569 6635 6660 6859 6960 7015 7059 7095 7222 7288 7310 7399 7470 7524 7794 7865 7897 7902 8023 8053 8324 8343 8474 8520 8533 8577 8581 8667 8687 8700 8761 8859 8895 9074 9215 9301 9349 9566 9568 9574 9700 9763 9803 9941 9976

Previous 13.5.24 WinWin W 769 Results

“If you can't see the Lottery Result Please Refresh this page and wait for some time. Also refresh the page to see the newly added numbers.”

Kindly cross-check with the official result to be announced shortly.

Sthree Sakthi SS 415

If the prize money is less than Rs 5,000, the winners can claim the money from any lottery shop in Kerala. If the amount won is above Rs 5,000, the winners will have to surrender their tickets before a bank or government lottery office with id proofs.

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Next Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 416 Draw will be held on 21/05/2024 at GORKY BHAVAN, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM


Azeez · May 14, 2024


Anonymous · May 14, 2024


Anil · May 14, 2024

44 86

Anonymous · May 14, 2024

1727 please please please

Anonymous · May 14, 2024

Please 0696

Nityananda Dey · May 14, 2024



Kerala lottery

sathish · May 14, 2024

ti day kl my guessing BC board 88 or 99

Anonymous · May 14, 2024


Ganesan · May 13, 2024



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