Kerala Lottery Results

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Kerala Lottery Result LIVE Today 20.2.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 403

Published on Feb 20, 2024

Kerala Lottery Result LIVE Today 20.2.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 403

Kerala Lottery Result 20.2.24 Sthree Sakthi SS 403 Results : സ്ത്രീ ശക്തി എസ് എസ് 403 ഫലം : Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS403 Draw held on 20/02/2024 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram. The first prize is worth Rs 75 lakh, while the second and third prizes are of Rs 10 lakh and Rs 5,000 respectively. The consolation prize is Rs 8,000.

The result will be live on this page after 3.05 pm. Kindly refresh the page for new numbers. പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് പേജ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

Winning Numbers for Sthree Sakthi SS 403 Lottery


1st Prize- Rs :75,00,000/ -

SH 575087 (KOTTAYAM)

Agent Name: BYJU T A

Agency No: K 4644

Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/ :

SA 575087 SB 575087 SC 575087 SD 575087 SE 575087 SF 575087 SG 575087 SJ 575087 SK 575087 SL 575087 SM 575087

2nd Prize- Rs :10,00,000/-

SG 179475 (WAYANADU)

Agent Name: JINEESH A N

Agency No: W 402

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

3rd Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

0480 0784 1332 1814 2211 2645 2768 2891 3231 3936 4707 6079 6686 7284 8036 8471 8744 9147

4th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-

2799 2825 2869 3123 3762 5325 6036 6959 8502 9994

5th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

0329 0382 0541 1167 1790 1839 3996 4171 5144 6537 6687 7158 7641 7807 7813 8131 8447 8987 9223 9250

6th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0043 0299 0564 0740 0781 0853 0882 1086 1183 1215 1291 1481 1636 1699 1991 2006 2444 2699 2725 3269 3691 3693 4121 4221 4232 4246 4272 4282 4305 4596 4605 4874 5017 5720 5961 6535 6569 6572 6783 6965 7117 7493 7611 7709 7805 8466 8606 8792 8864 9167 9372 9711

7th Prize- Rs. 200/-

0444 1144 1161 1200 1606 2070 2129 2137 2197 2714 2778 3048 3168 3298 3330 3624 4184 4239 4944 5062 5139 5317 5578 5828 6334 6352 6418 6852 7012 7389 7810 7963 7971 8072 8470 8729 8770 8793 8906 8963 8972 9465 9472 9773 9875

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0350 0456 0531 0573 0602 0620 0628 0635 0805 0924 0933 0952 0984 1073 1088 1244 1351 1389 1416 1556 1564 1768 1862 1894 1990 2041 2062 2171 2185 2290 2456 2584 2653 2717 2781 2822 2976 2991 3055 3291 3376 3629 3827 3834 3853 3947 3957 4067 4206 4250 4391 4498 4528 4571 4639 4651 4729 4753 4773 4798 4826 4832 4884 4974 5047 5098 5204 5307 5361 5365 5412 5437 5542 5669 5685 5846 5954 5998 6015 6066 6403 6425 6454 6492 6640 6675 6862 7092 7111 7221 7251 7330 7339 7347 7418 7669 7806 7862 7958 8027 8047 8296 8366 8388 8397 8417 8457 8476 8526 8586 8701 8834 8909 9042 9129 9154 9189 9203 9303 9609 9684 9797 9820 9855 9886 9943

Previous 19.2.24 WinWin W 757 Results

“If you can't see the Lottery Result Please Refresh this page and wait for some time. Also refresh the page to see the newly added numbers.”

Kindly cross-check with the official result to be announced shortly.

Sthree Sakthi SS 403

If the prize money is less than Rs 5,000, the winners can claim the money from any lottery shop in Kerala. If the amount won is above Rs 5,000, the winners will have to surrender their tickets before a bank or government lottery office with id proofs.

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Next Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 404 Draw will be held on 27/02/2024 at GORKY BHAVAN, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM


Vinoth kumar. M · Feb 27, 2024

Kumarn kalni

Balu · Feb 21, 2024

Enna kerala kaararkalukku mattutha price viluma engalayamari kastam paduvarukku vilatha

Anonymous · Feb 20, 2024

1000 Rupa poyi

Anonymous · Feb 20, 2024

Always win

Niga · Feb 20, 2024

Damn I really thought I would win if u feel sympathy pls contact me on insta _itspie54_

Ragu · Feb 20, 2024



Tags : 20.02.2024 kerala lottery result today 3 pm Tuesday, 20.02.24 kerala lottery result, kerala lottery result, kerala lottery result 20.02.2024, kerala lottery result 20.02.24, kerala lottery result SS 403, kerala lottery result SS403, kerala lottery result Sthree Sakthi, kerala lottery result Sthree Sakthi SS 403, kerala lottery result Sthree Sakthi SS403, kerala lottery result Sthreesakthi, kerala lottery result Sthreesakthi SS 403, kerala lottery result Sthreesakthi SS403, Kerala Lottery Result Today, kerala lottery result today 2024, kerala lottery result today live, Kerala lottery today result,, Result, today result, Live kerala lottery result, lottery result, lottery result today, SS 403, SS 403 kerala lottery result, SS403, SS403 kerala lottery result, Sthree Sakthi, Tuesday sthree sakthi kerala lottery result, Sthree Sakthi SS 403, Sthree Sakthi SS 403 kerala lottery result, Sthree Sakthi SS403, Sthree Sakthi SS403 kerala lottery result, Sthreesakthi, sthreesakthi kerala lottery result, Sthreesakthi SS 403, Sthreesakthi SS 403 kerala lottery result, Sthreesakthi SS403, Tuesday Sthreesakthi SS403 kerala lottery result