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Rajasthan NEET Counselling Refund Fee 2020 : Rajasthan Medical or Dental UG Admission 2020

Published on Mar 04, 2023

Rajasthan NEET Counselling Refund Fee 2020 : Rajasthan Medical or Dental UG Admission 2020


Rajasthan NEET Counselling Refund Fee 2020 : Rajasthan NEET UG counselling 2020 has started on the official website, Rajasthan state counseling committee will start the refund. All the eligible candidates who are eligible for refund will get an e-mail from official mail id of Rajasthan Govt.

In case you have any difficulty while filling on-line application form, send email to Helpline at or contact at mobile no. 8955206046

Rajasthan NEET Counselling 2020 Choice Filling : Live Updates

1. Start date for filling of online application form and deposition of application fee at the website is 01.11.2020.

2.. Last date for depositing the application form fee through Internet banking / Debit card / Credit card is 06.11.2020 (4.00 pm).

3. Last date for submitting the on-line application form at the website is 06.11.2020 (11.45 pm).

4. Dates for Choice filling and depositing the registration fee at the website (including filling up and saving of the choices / changing the filled choices multiple times) are 10.11.2020 to 13.11.2020 (auto-locking of choices at 5.00 pm on 13.11.2020)

Mandatory documents uploading for all candidates

1. Scanned copy of your recent passport size coloured photo (taken on or after 01-01-2020) in the prescribed format (jpg or jpeg, size preferably upto maximum 40 KB)

2. Scanned copy of your signature in the prescribed format (jpg or jpeg, size preferably upto maximum 40 KB)

Mandatory documents uploading for candidates based on selected category / sub-category / type)

3. Scanned copy of your ST-STA (if applicable) in the applicable proforma and in format (jpg or jpeg, size preferably upto maximum 150 KB)

4. Scanned copy of your PwD (if applicable) in the applicable proforma and in format (jpg or jpeg, size preferably upto maximum 150 KB)

5. Proof regarding family annual income less than INR 2.5 lacs, if applicable (jpg or jpeg, size preferably upto maximum 150 KB)

Help line

In case you have any difficulty while filling on-line application form and registration, send email to Helpline at or contact at mobile no. 8955206046

Steps for Filling Online Application Form

Part 1

Visit the Rajasthan NEET counselling 2020 official website,

1. Enter your NEET Roll number.

2. Select Date of birth(as it appears in your 10th class mark sheet) – Day, Month and Year

3. Enter marks obtained in NEET-2020

4. Select any one category as applicable to you: GENERAL (UR) / SC / ST / ST - STA / OBC (creamy layer - CL) / OBC (non creamy layer - NCL) / MBC (creamy layer - CL) / MBC (non creamy layer - NCL). (No change of category will be permitted once submitted/confirmed in the on-line registration form.)

5. Click on “Validate”

6. Your Name, Father’s name and Mother’s name as filled in NEET 2020 form appear on screen.

7. Select whether you belong to EWS: Yes/No (as applicable)

8. Select whether you belong to PwD (Person with Disability): Yes/No If you select PwD category as Yes, select name of issuing authority of PwD certificate (as per MCI- refer annexure 1 and 1A and proforma 5 as given in the information booklet)

9. Select whether you belong to Defence / Para-military: Yes/No If you select Defence / Para-military category as Yes, select whether any member of your family has taken benefit of this scheme in admission to a course anywhere in India: Yes/No If you select Defence / Para-military category as Yes, select;

10.Select percentage of marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Biotechnology (together) in 10+2 or an equivalent examination.

11.Enter email ID (for example If you do not have an email ID - either create a new email ID of your own or write email ID of your relative (other than NEET candidate) who can inform you about any communication on this email ID. Do not write email ID of a cyber café etc.

12.Enter valid mobile number

13.Select domicile State.

14. Select whether your family annual income is less than INR 2.5 lacs: Yes/No

15. Select other eligibility criteria (any one)

16.Press “Proceed”.

17.Check entries made in preview. Click “Edit” if required, otherwise click on “Submit”.

18.Make the application fee payment. Note down your Registration ID and password carefully.

Part 2

Basic details

1. Select appropriate salutation (Mr. / Miss / Mrs. / Ms.)

2. Your Name will appear on screen (as non-editable).

3. Your Date of birth will appear on screen (as non-editable).

4. Select state of birth

5. Select gender: Male/Female

6. Your Father name will appear on screen (as non-editable).

7. Write mother’s name.

8. Present communication address. Write the full present address along with city, district, state and pin code.

9. Permanent address: If your permanent address is same as present address, click on the check box, otherwise, write the full permanent address along with city, district, state and pin code.

10.Write STD code and your residence phone number, if available, otherwise leave blank.

11.Write your cell number (without zero ‘0’) compulsorily i.e. only 10 digit number.

12.Your email ID is displayed on screen.

13.Your domicile state is displayed on screen.

14.Write your 12 digit Aadhar no. (without space)

15.Select Nationality: Indian / Other.

16.In case of Other: Write address and contact details of parents and address of local guardian.

Press “Save and Next”

Educational details

A. Secondary (10th )or equivalent examination

  • I. Select the name of board (as appearing in the marksheet). In case of other board: Write name of board
  • II. Select year of passing
  • III. Select percentage of total marks (aggregate, all the subjects) obtained in Class 10 examination.

B. 10 + 2 or equivalent examination

  • I. Select the name of board (as appearing in the marksheet). In case of other board: Write name of board
  • II. Select your result status: Passed/ Supplementary/ Failed
  • III. Select year of passing
  • IV. Select no. of attempts for passing 10+2 or an equivalent examination: 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
  • V. Select third subject: Biology / Biotechnology
  • VI-IX. Select percentage of marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Biotechnology and Englishin 10+2 or an equivalent examination.
  • (e.g. if you have obtained 78.34% in Physics then first select 78 and then select 34; this will again appear on screen, verify and again enter correct percentage, if required)

C. Enter name and place of college / school last attended.

D. Select course you wish to apply: MBBS only / BDS only / Both MBBS and BDS

Press “Save and Next”.

Documents uploading

Choose and upload the applicable documents [photograph, signature, caste certificate (only for ST-STA), PwD, family income proof] one by one and check change in the status.

Image of your uploaded documents e.g. photograph, signature etc. will appear on screen and a message will appear on screen about successful uploading of documents, if uploaded.

If your photo/signature image is appearing small or is not visible then it means your photo/signature image file is not as per the prescribed format. Re-upload the same (both photo and signature file), if required. After this, press “Save and Next”.


A declaration will appear on the screen. Press “I Accept” on this Declaration: It is a must.


You can preview the relevant details filled by you.

“Check and Verify” the information filled by you before pressing the “Final Submit”.

Print copy of the application form

Print two copies of the application form (filled on-line) on A4 size paper and keep the same along with the documents listed in the information booklet. Paste your unattested recent passport size coloured photograph, at the space provided on the printout of application form.

This photograph must be same as uploaded by you while filling the on-line application form. Complete declaration part and Sign the declaration on the printout of the application form and write Place and Date. It is a must.

Put the thumb impressions at specified place. Keep the completed application form for submission when required.

You are not required to send to UG Admission Board the print copy of your application form filled on-line. You will be required to submit it before the Board at the time of counseling (duly completed in all respects), failing which your candidature shall be rejected / you will be disqualified without any further correspondence.

Rajasthan NEET 2020 Counselling 2020 Dates (Round 1)

Online application starting date

November 1

Last date for depositing application fee

November 6 (4 pm)

Last date for submitting application forms

November 6 (11:45 pm)

Provisional list for document verification (PwD, Defence/PM, STA, NRI)

November 7

Document verification ( PwD, Defence/PM, STA and NRI )

November 8

Publishing of State merit list (State, PwD, Defence/PM, MBC, EWS, SC, ST, STA, NRI)

November 9

Choice filling and registration fee

November 10 to 13

Printing of application form with locked choices

November 13

First seat allotment list

November 19

Printing of seat allotment letter

November 20 to 25

Reporting at the allotted college

November 20 to 25




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