Published on Nov 15, 2020
Nabidinam Photos Download : According to legends, the Prophet was born on the twelfth day of Rabee-ul-Awwal which is the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar in Mecca in 570 CE. Eid-e-Milad or Eid Milad-un-Nabi is a day dedicated to the Prophet Mohammad and his teachings
Prophet's Birthday 2020 in Kerala will begin in the evening of Wednesday, 28 October and ends in the evening of Thursday, 29 October
The Shia community believes that on this day Prophet Muhammad had chosen Hazrat Ali as his successor, while on the other hand, the Sunni community holds prayer meetings throughout the day.
During this month, some Muslims celebrate Mawlid - the birthday of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. Other Muslims do not believe the celebration is evidenced as necessary or even Islamically permissable in the Quran or authentic Hadith and has evolved as an innovation. Although the exact date of the Mawlid is unknown, Sunni Muslims believe the date of birth of Muhammad to have been on the twelfth of this month, whereas Shia Muslims believe him to have been born on the dawn of the seventeenth day.
The word "Rabi" means "spring" and Al-awwal means "the first" in Arabic language, so "Rabi' al-awwal" means "The first spring" in Arabic language. The name seems to have to do with the celebration events in the month as "spring" is the end to winter (symbol of sadness) and consequently the start of happiness. The Arabic calendar being lunar calendar, the month is naturally rotating over years and Rabī‘ al-awwal can be in spring or any other season every now and then, so the meaning can not be related to the actual season
1. "May your home be filled with happiness and joy on the day of Eid-E-Milad-Un-Nabi"
2. "May your prayers accept by Allah! Happy Eid-E-Milad!"
3. "Eid-E-Milad-Un-Nabi Mubarak to you and your family!"
4. "May the light of Allah shine upon you and your family. Happy Eid"
5. "May Allah show us the right path on the occasion of Eid-E-Milad-un-Nabi. Eid Mubarak!"
Eid-e-Milad is celebrated to honour Prophet Muhammad who is said to have introduced Islam and then, revolutionised the religious scene in the Middle East in the following years.
People on the day of Eid-e-Milad start their day with a morning prayer followed by a procession and large gathering in mosques. Children are narrated stories of Muhammad, about his life and preachings as mentioned in the Holy Quran. The day ends with donations towards the needy and poor people. Friends and family are also invited to be a part of the festivities.
Eid is the festival of happiness and brotherhood which is celebrated around the world with joy by the Muslim community. Eid is the Muslim festival celebrated to mark the important events of Muslim faith, mostly related to Prophet Mohammad.
The three most famously known Eid are
• Eid al-Fitr,
• Eid al-Adha and
• Eid-e-Milad
while the less known ones are Eid-e-Ghadeer and Shab-e-Barat.
Muharram is the first month of Islamic calender, Eid ul Fitr is a gift given to muslims after they fast for 30 days and Eid-ul-Adha is a day we celebrate the Qurbani.
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