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Migration Workers Portal State Wise : Lockdown Curfew Online Digital Pass

Published on Mar 04, 2023

Migration Workers Portal State Wise : Lockdown Curfew Online Digital Pass

Migration Workers Portal State Wise : As per the New guidelines after Lockdown 3.0 the Ministry of Home Affairs allows giving permission of Interstate Movement for Migrant Workers, Labours, Students, Pilgrims, Tourists and other people on the mutual agreement form the State and union territories (UTs) concerned.

• The People will be allowed to movement form One State/UT to another State/ UT, after the mutually agree with each other only.

• The People will be allowed to movement form One State/UT to another State/ UT, after the mutually agree with each other only.

• All the state appoint a Nodal Officer to execute Movement of Stranded Migrant Workers very safely.

• Each and every migrant Worker must be screened and if found asymptomatic then only allowed to movement from one to another state.

• There will be people allowed to send by buses and trains after proper Sanitization before and after.

• While traveling and gathering of Workers at the station, they have to follow Social Distancing.

• On arrival, all people must be assessed by the medical team and keep under supervision.

• They must be also kept Home Quarantine with a regular check-up.

Apply for E-Pass Online : Migrant Registration

1. Open the website

2. Enter the Jilla, Name, Travel Date.

3. You have to enter the Phone Number.

4. You have to give the Date of Travel.

5. Then you have to provide your Vehicle Details like Vehicle Type, Number.

6. The you have to give the Permanent Address, No of Co-passengers, Destination Address.

7. You have to then upload your latest photo by opening webcam .

8. Then Doctor's Certificate / Fitnes Certificate should be attached .

9. Lastly Click the Submit button.

Travel Pass

10. Then you will get the Pass and should take the printout.

How to Check the Status of Pass Online:

1. Click the link

2. Enter the Token ID.

3. You will get the Pass after entering the token ID.

4. You should submit it for the Interstate Travel.

You can only go if you need details like below:

• District / Police Commissionerate

• Name

• Travel Date From

• Mobile number

• Essential service type

• Reason for Travel (In Brief)

• Will you return this way?

• Have you been charged with any criminal offense?

• Do you have a Home Quarantined stamp on your hand?

• If the names of co-passengers exceeds 3, your application will be rejected. If you have more than three, your application will be rejected.

• Enter Destination Address

• Number of fellow travelers

• The final destination of the trip

• Travel start point

• E-mail

• Enter Current Address

• Enter Vehicle Type

• Vehicle number

• Enter Reason / Purpose

Documents Required for E PASS Registration

1. Recent Passport Size photo

2. Photo Identification Proof

3. GST Certification

4. Commercial Registration Certificate

5. PAN Card, Aadhar Card Or Voter Id

6. Vehicle Registration Number (RC Book)

Links for registration of migrants who are stuck in different states and wish to go back to their home states

1. Madhya Pradesh:

2. Gujarat:

From Gujarat to others states:

From Delhi to Gujarat:

From Haryana to Gujarat:

From Punjab to Gujarat:

From Himachal Pradesh to Gujarat:

From J&K to Gujarat:

From Ladakh to Gujarat:

3. Punjab: Persons wanting to go to their home states may register at this portal:

4. Maharashtra :

5. Rajasthan:

6. Himachal Pradesh:

7. Tamil Nadu:

8. Haryana:

9. Karnataka:

10. Uttarakhand: This link has both registration links for people coming to Uttarakhand and people wanting to go out of Uttarakhand.

11. Odisha:

Online pass for lockdown Maharastra

Question 1. I am a migrant worker outside my Maharashtra, what should I do?

A. If you are a migrant worker, you can register yourself on the official portal available in Maharashtra and go out of Maharashtra with the pass.

Q2. What documents do I need to register if I want to go outside Maharashtra i.e. my home?

(Upload applicant related documents such as death certificate, medical summary etc.)

Question 3. Will I be allowed to move to my home if I have symptoms?

The answer is yes, they are allowed to move but once they reach the destination they will be left alone at home and proper tests will be done.

Maharashtra Migrant Workers Registration Form COVID19

Migration Form

Mumbai, Maharashtra Migrant Workers Registration Form of COVID19 Here: The Government of Maharashtra has issued notices to all migrant workers, students, pilgrims, tourists and other persons stranded in other states due to lockdown. Those who want to return home can fill up the Maharashtra Traveler / Traveler Registration Form and people can search for the Maharashtra Nodal Officer for the inter-state movement helpline number. Let's see what that form looks like



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