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Matsya Jayanti 2021 Date and Significance : All About The Festival That Celebrates The Birth of Lord Matsya

Published on Apr 15, 2021

Matsya Jayanti 2021 Date and Significance : All About The Festival That Celebrates The Birth of Lord Matsya


Matsya Jayanti 2021 Date and Significance : Matsya Jayanti celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Matsya who is believed to be the first avatar of Lord Vishnu in the form of Fish, during the Satya Yuga.

Our presiding deity (Ishtdev) Lord Shree Swaminarayan performed various pastimes/divine actions (Leelas) on this Earth through His various Incarnations (Avatars). The divine pastimes of these incarnations can be found in various Holy Scriptures.

Matsya Jayanti 2021 Date and Significance

In the 3rd Vachanamrut of Gadhda Pratham Prakan the Lord says, ‘“Even a person who can constantly see the form of the Lord in his heart, should recall the pastimes performed by Him in His different incarnations in different places.’

This article highlights mentions of this Avatar in the following holy texts:

1. Shree Vasudeva Mahatmya from Skand Puran, Vishnu Khand

2. Shreemad Bhagwat - Canto 8 Chapter 24 - The Lord's Incarnation as a Fish

3. Shree Vishnu-sahasranam from Shanti Parva of Maharahabharat

4. Shreemad Satsangi Jeevan

5. Shree Vachanamrut

6. Shree Harileelamrut Kalash

7. Premanand Kavya

8. Nishkulanand Kavya

9. Shree Thakorji ni Seva riiti

Matsya Jayanti

Significance of Matsya Jayanti Puja:

According to the Hindu legends, Matsya Avatar was the first of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. He warned King Manu about the cosmic deluge and saved the universe from the demon ‘Damanaka.’ There is no mention about the rituals, traditions, and customs to be followed on Matsya Jayanti. On this day, devotees worship Matsya form of Vishnu with immense devotion and dedication. Lord Vishnu appeared as Matsya to protect the pious, punish the miscreants and to save righteousness. As mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam, all the sins of the person who reads or listens to the Matsya Purana will be destroyed.


King Satyavrata, also known as Manu was once offering oblations of water on the banks of river Kritamala to Lord Vishnu. He found a tiny fish in his palms. The fish requested the king for protection. King Satyavrata kept the fish in a water jar. Soon the fish outgrew the jar and was transferred to a well by the king. The fish grew bigger. The King then put the fish in a lake, but the fish grew to a great size. Hence, the King transferred the fish to a sea. But fish grew to a gigantic size making the sea unsuitable for its stay. By now, the king understood that it was not an ordinary fish rather it was Lord Vishnu.

King Satyavrata requested Lord Vishnu to enlighten him about his incarnation. Lord Vishnu told him that there would be a great deluge within seven days and he asked the king to gather the saintly people, herbs, and other living entities. King Satyavrata was instructed by Lord Vishnu that a large boat would come to their rescue and it should be tied to the horn of the fish with the help of the serpent Vasuki.

The day of deluge arrived. The entire universe was inundated with torrents of rain. A huge boat came to the rescue of the king and the others. Lord Vishnu appeared as a huge one-horned goldfish. King Satyavrata anchored the boat to the horn of the fish with Vasuki. Lord Vishnu as a fish swam across the ocean for the entire night which was equal to 4.32 billion years. During the entire journey, Lord Vishnu enlightened king Manu and the other on science, Puranas, Vedic literature, devotion, and self-realization.

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