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ICSE 10th Result 2021 (Exam Cancelled) Class 10 Result Date & News

Published on Oct 08, 2021

ICSE 10th Result 2021 (Exam Cancelled) Class 10 Result Date & News


ICSE 10th Result 2021 Exam Cancelled : The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is expected to release the ICSE 10th Result 2021 in July on the official website. Students will be able to check their ICSE result using their course code, candidate UID and the index number. The ICSE 10th result 2021 mentions the student's name, roll number, marks scored in different subjects, etc.

The ICSE exams 2021 were scheduled between May 4 and June 7 but now have been cancelled due to the rising pandemic situation.

ICSE 10th Result 2021 Exam Cancelled : Latest Update:-

May 6:

ICSE Result 2021: Council asks schools to collate Class 9, 10 average marks

April 19:

ICSE Exams 2021 cancelled amid surge in COVID cases

Last year, the ICSE Result was released on July 10 at 3 pm. The ICSE 10th examinations for the pending subjects were cancelled in the view of COVID-19 outbreak and the Board released results on the basis of internal assessment. In 2020, the examinations were scheduled between February 27 and March 30. CICSE board did not publish merit list for class 10, 12 exams last year in view of exceptional circumstances. The overall pass percentage this year is 99.33%.

Amid the rising cases of coronavirus in the country, the ICSE and CBSE board had decided to cancel the class 10 exams in order to ensure the safety of students. Thereafter, many states have followed suit and decided to cancel class 10 examinations for their respective boards. However, the decision on conducting the Class 12 exams, in several states , is yet to be made.

We have collated a list of dates of Class 10 and 12 board exams here:


Class 10 Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ICSE) has been cancelled and the Class 12 Indian School Certificate (ISC) board examination has been deferred, announced by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). This decision has been taken in the wake of rising COVID-19 cases in the country


As a major relief to students, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced that the Class 10 board examinations scheduled to be held from May 4 to June 7 had been cancelled.

The education ministry had asked the states to send in their suggestions for the CBSE class 12 examinations till Tuesday, May 25.

However, several states such as Delhi, Punjab, West Bengal have requested the Central government to vaccinate teachers and students before the exams are conducted.

The exams are proposed to be conducted between July 15 and August 26 and the result to be declared in September.


Maharashtra School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad on Sunday said a decision on Class 12 board exams in the state, will be taken in a week's time. Class 10 exams in the state have been cancelled due to the sudden surge of COVID 19 in the state. The minister had earlier said that marks will be conferred to students based on ‘internal assessment’ or ‘objective criterion’

Tamil Nadu

Class 10 exams in the state have been cancelled and the students will be evaluated on basis of their internal assessment.

In a recent meeting with the union ministers and state education ministers to discuss the class 12 examinations, the Tamil Nadu state government has expressed its interest in conducting the TN Class 12 exams 2021 and said that the decision will be made based on the pandemic situation. The mode of conduction of the exams and the paper pattern has not been decided by the government yet.


The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) had announced the Class 10 result earlier this month, on their official marks were awarded based on the evaluation criterion decided by the state

Exams for class 12 will be from June 1 to June 5 and students would be conducted in an 'exam from home' pattern, wherein students would be allowed to collect question papers from specified centres, take them home and submit the answer copies within five days, officials said.


Uttrakhand Board has cancelled Class 10 boards exams 2021 and has postponed class 12 exams 2021.


Due to the surge in COVID-19 cases, Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has postponed examinations of Classes 10 and 12. A meeting will be held on June 1 to review the situation, & further decisions will be taken according to the situation.



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