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https // : Infosys Recruitment Contest Infytq Infosys Certification

Published on Oct 08, 2021

https // : Infosys Recruitment Contest Infytq Infosys Certification


https // : To register for the Infosys Certification, you must be registered on InfyTQ and a student of B.E., B. Tech, M.E., M. Tech, M.Sc., MCM, or MCA completing the degree course in 2021.

Currently only students from B.E., B. Tech, M.E., M. Tech, M.Sc., MCM, or MCA completing the degree course in 2021 are eligible for taking the Infosys Certification examination.

https //

1. What is the test duration?

The test duration is of 100 minutes.

2. What is the format of the test?

There are five sections in the test:

• Section I - Reasoning ability (arithmetic and analytical) (15 questions | 25 minutes)

• Section II - Technical ability (mathematical and logical) (10 questions | 35 minutes)

• Section III - Verbal ability (20 questions | 20 minutes)

• Section IV - Pseudo-code (5 questions | 10 minutes)

• Section V - Numerical puzzle (4 questions | 10 minutes)

3. What is the score for each question?

Each question carried 1 mark unless explicitly indicated otherwise.

4. Is there negative marking?

There is no negative marking.

5. How will I be marked for multiple response questions?

For multiple response questions, full marks will be awarded only if all the correct choices are selected and no wrong choice(s) is/are selected. Partial marks will be awarded if some correct choices are selected and no wrong choice(s) is/are selected.

6. What is the procedure to take the test?

You can click on ‘Start’ to begin the test. As soon as you begin the test, you will see a list of all sections that the test comprises. Click on 'Attempt Section' to attempt the section that is enabled. You will see one question at a time with answer options or blank space for your contribution, as required.

7. I am unable to start the test because the webcam is not getting detected. What do I do?

Please check is the webcam is in working condition and is not in use by any other application other than the browser. You can check the working of your webcam here Please ensure the permissions for webcam in the browser settings are enabled. You may also check whether pop-up is allowed in Chrome. Also, clear browser cache in Chrome and access the browser in incognito mode.

8. My login credentials appear as invalid. What do I do?

Please make sure that the email address you have entered is correct. If it is the first time login, make sure that the password you are entering is exactly as given in the email you received from Infosys. If you have already changed the password, please enter the new password you had changed to. Please note, entering incorrect password five times will lock the account. In case you require any assistance, please contact the helpdesk via the toll-free number – 1800 3000 4747 and/or email us at

9. My face is not being detected by the webcam when I start the test. What do I do?

Please ensure the lighting in the room is adequate and that you are not sitting in a dark setting. The source of light should be behind you or above you so that your face is clearly visible. Please ensure you are not facing bright light or sitting against bright light. You may also want to check if your webcam is functioning properly. You can verify webcam’s face detection by looking at the video window at the bottom of your screen.

10. How do I submit my answer?

Mark your answer by checking the appropriate radio button or checkbox or by filling up the blank and click on 'Submit' to record your answer.

11. Can I see the next question before submitting the answer for the question on the screen?

No, you cannot switch between questions. Only when you ‘Submit’ an answer for the question that has been presented, you will be able to view the next question. Also, once you have moved on, you cannot go back and view previous questions and answers.

12. Can I go back and change my answer?

No. once you have submitted an answer, you cannot go back to view or change your previous answers. Please do not click on the back button of the browser. Any malfunctioning caused by clicking the back button will lead you to lose time and the Infosys team will not be responsible to provide support in activating the test back again.

13. How should I attempt each section?

Each section is meant to be answered within a specific duration. As soon as you begin taking a section, a timer will show you the time that is remaining to complete answering that particular section.

14. How will I receive the instructions for each section?

Each section will be presented to you with specific instructions. A time interval of two minutes will be given before each section to read the instructions.

15. How do I complete a section?

A section can be completed by either clicking ‘Submit’ on the last question of the section or by clicking on 'Finish Section' any time before the time for the section elapses. If the time elapses before you click on ‘Finish Section’, whatever you have answered in that section so far will automatically get submitted.



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