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Happy Holi Wishes in Sanskrit : Happy Holi 2022 Quotes, Wishes, Images, SMS, Messages

Published on Mar 16, 2022

Happy Holi Wishes in Sanskrit : Happy Holi 2022 Quotes, Wishes, Images, SMS, Messages


Happy Holi Wishes in Sanskrit : Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known as the festival of love, the festival of colours, and the festival of spring. The festival celebrates the eternal and divine love of Radha and Krishna. It also signifies the triumph of good over evil.

It originated and is predominantly celebrated in India, but has also spread to other regions of Asia and parts of the Western world through the diaspora from the Indian subcontinent.

Happy Holi Wishes in Sanskrit

1. सर्वेभ्य: होलिका पर्वण्: हार्दिक्य शुभकामना:।
आप सभी को होली पर्व की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

2.होलिका पर्वण्: शुभकामना:।
होली पर्व की शुभकामना।

3. रंगोत्सवस्य शुभाषयाः।
रगों के पर्व की शुभकामनाएं।

4. अयं होलीमहोत्सवः भवत्कृते भवत्परिवारकृते च
क्षेमस्थैर्य-आयुः-आरोग्य-ऐश्वर्य-अभिवृद्घिकारकः भवतु।।
।।होलिकाया: हार्दिकशुभाशयाः।।

5. आयुर्धनं शुभ्रयशोवितानं,
निरामयं जीवनसंविधानम्।
समागतो होलिकोत्सवोऽयं,
ददातु ते मांगलिकं विधानम्।।

6. वर्णानां पर्व इदं सर्वेभ्यः हर्षोल्लासप्रदं भवेदिति कामये।
होलिका-पर्वणः हार्दिक्यः शुभाषयाः।

7. अन्नकूटा ययत्रस्तैः कृता त्वं होलि बालिशैः
अतत्त्वां पूजयिण्यामि भूते भूतिपदा भव।

8. यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन।
ज्ञानाग्नि: सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा।।
जैसे प्रज्वलित अग्नि ईंधन को भस्मसात्त् कर देती है वैसे ही,
हे अर्जुन ज्ञानरूपी अग्नि सम्पूर्ण कर्मों को भस्मसात्त् कर देती है।

9. भवज्जीवनं रड्गैः आल्हादमयं
भवेदिति कामना।
कामना है कि आपका जीवन आनंद के रंगों से भरा रहे।

10. होलिका पर्व शुभकामना:
कदर्थितस्याऽपि हि धैर्यवृत्तेन शक्यते धैर्यगुणः प्रमाष्र्टुम्।
अधोमुखस्यापि कृतस्य वह्नेरधः शिखा याति कदाचिदेव।।
जिस तरह आग का मुह नीचे करने पर भी उसकी लपट कभी नीचे नहीं जाती,
उसी तरह घैर्यवान व्यक्ती का साहस कठिन परिस्थितियों से कभी नही टूटता।

11. आशासे यत् होलिकापर्व भवतु मङ्गलकरम् अद्भुतकरञ्च।
जीवनस्य सकलकामनासिद्धिरस्तु।
भावार्थः – मुझे उम्मीद है कि होली का पर्व आपके लिए एक सुखद आश्चर्य लेकर आएगा।
आप जीवन में जो कुछ भी चाहते हैं, वह आपको मिले।

12. सूर्य संवेदना पुष्पे, दीप्ति कारुण्यगंधने।
लब्ध्वा शुभं होलिकापर्वेऽस्मिन कुर्यात्सर्वस्य मंगलम्‌।।
भावार्थः – जिस तरह सूर्य प्रकाश देता है, संवेदवा करुणा
को जन्म देती है, पुष्प सदैव महकता रहता है,
उसी तरह आने वाला यह होली का पर्व आपके लिए हर दिन,
हर पल के लिए मंगलमय हो।
होली की हार्दिक शुभका

Holi Date and Time

Holi 2022 will begin on

Thursday, 17 March 2022

and ends on

Friday, 18 March 2022

Holi celebrations start on the night before Holi with a Holika Dahan where people gather, perform religious rituals in front of the bonfire, and pray that their internal evil be destroyed the way Holika, the sister of the demon king Hiranyakashipu, was killed in the fire. The next morning is celebrated as Rangwali Holi (Dhuleti) – a free-for-all festival of colours where people smear each other with colours and drench each other. Water guns and water-filled balloons are also used to play and colour each other. Anyone and everyone is fair game, friend or stranger, rich or poor, man or woman, children, and elders.

Happy Holi Quotes and Images




Holi Date


Radha Krishna Legend

In the Braj region of India, where the Hindu deity Krishna grew up, the festival is celebrated until Rang Panchmi in commemoration of the divine love of Radha for Krishna. The festivities officially usher in spring, with Holi celebrated as a festival of love. There is a symbolic myth behind commemorating Krishna as well. As a baby, Krishna developed his characteristic dark skin colour because the she-demon Putana poisoned him with her breast milk.[28] In his youth, Krishna despaired whether the fair-skinned Radha would like him because of his dark skin colour. His mother, tired of his desperation, asks him to approach Radha and ask her to colour his face in any colour she wanted. This she did, and Radha and Krishna became a couple. Ever since, the playful colouring of Radha and Krishna's face has been commemorated as Holi

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