Published on Mar 04, 2023
Government E Portal : GeM is a short form of one stop Government e-Market Place hosted by DGS&D where common user goods and services can be procured. GeM is dynamic, self sustaining and user friendly portal for making procurement by Government officers.
Public procurement forms a very important part of Government activity and reform in Public Procurement is one of the top priorities of the present Government. Government e-Marketplace (GeM - is a very bold step of the Government with the aim to transform the way in which procurement of goods and services is done by the Government Ministries and Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and other apex autonomous bodies of the Central Government.s
The firm willing to sell on GeM portal or generally starting a legal business model would require to incorporate a new Private Limited Company or LLP, if required.
Aadhar, PAN, GSTN registration numbers needs to be obtained.
A Bank account needs to be opened and registered with name of the business firm.
GeM Seller or service provider registration to be completed by registering online and providing required information and documents.
5. E-Sign Terms and Conditions
After all requisite forms are filled up, GeM terms and conditions needs to be e-signed.
Learn selling on GeM portal, usage of GeM Dashboard and procedures.
Now let us look into details of the Seller registration process and documentation required:
The following documents are required for Seller Registration:
3. VAT/ TIN NUMBER (of applicable)
Registering your business on the Government e Marketplace has never been easier. Registration, brand approval and product approval is free of charge on GeM, with no entry barriers.
• Visit the website for information on terms and conditions
• Signing up is quick and easy
• Sign up online and register
• All you require is essential government documents (Income Tax returns, Aadhaar or PAN card)
1. Direct access to all Government departments
2. Reduced cost of doing business
3. No barrier to entry and no fees for registration, brand approval and product uploads
4. Unique platform for bids/reverse auction for procurement of products/services
5. Dynamic pricing: Price can be changed based on market conditions
6. Seller friendly dashboard for monitoring supplies and payments
7. Faster and easier payment gateways for quick payment
1. Offers rich listing of products and services across a number of categories for easy browsing and appreciation of the marketplace
2. Makes available search, compare, select and buy facility
3. No tenders required for purchase up to INR 5 lakhs
4. Quicker procurement cycle and automated processes for enforcement of compliance and effective transmission of policy intent
5. Provides transparency, price match and order splitting
6. Ensures continuous, transparent and robust vendor rating system
7. Up-to-date user-friendly dashboard for buying, monitoring supplies and payments
8. Provision of easy return policy
Unified Public Procurement System for the country would provide a single user flow for government buyers, consolidating all government procurement onto a single platform leading to economies of scale, better price discovery and sharing of best practices
The following are the steps and processes in place to transition from eProcurement portals to a UPS on GeM:
1. Central Government buyers obtain a "GeM Availability Report and Past Transaction Summary" to take informed procurement decisions
2. GeM prompts buyers to publish a bid on GeM itself if the products or services that a buyer is looking for is not on the platform
3. The ID of GeM Availability Report is required to publish a bid on eProcurement platforms other than GeM (validated in real time)
4. After validation, a copy of the published tender will be returned to GeM for analysis
This would thus ensure that the functionality of eProcurement portals are brought on to GeM to provide a uniform experience for all buyers.
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