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LIVE : Kerala Lottery Result 28.5.23 Akshaya AK 601 Results Today

Published on Dec 03, 2023

28.5.23 Akshaya AK 601 LIVE Results : www Kerala Lottery Result Today

28.5.23 Akshaya AK 601 LIVE Results : www Kerala Lottery Result Today അക്ഷയ ലോട്ടറി എ കെ 601 ഫലം : Akshaya Lottery AK601 Draw on 28/05/2023 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram. The first prize is worth Rs 70 lakh, while the second and third are of Rs 5 lakh and Rs 1,00,000 respectively. The consolation prize is Rs 8,000.

The result will be live on this page. Kindly refresh the page for new numbers.

പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് പേജ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

Winning Numbers for Akshaya AK 601 Lottery


1st Prize- Rs. 70,00,000/ -

AF 893279 (KOLLAM)

Agent Name: SALEEM N

Agency No.: Q 3547

Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/ :

AA 893279 AB 893279 AC 893279 AD 893279 AE 893279 AG 893279 AH 893279 AJ 893279 AK 893279 AL 893279 AM 893279

2nd Prize- Rs. 5,00,000/-

AC 354244 (IDUKKI)


Agency No.: Y 3471

3rd Prize- Rs. 1,00,000/-

1) AA 947112 (ALAPPUZHA)

2) AB 179944 (KOZHIKKODE)

3) AC 560804 (KOLLAM)

4) AD 726986 (VAIKKOM)

5) AE 259146 (ATTINGAL)

6) AF 568735 (KOTTAYAM)

7) AG 436517 (KOTTAYAM)

8) AH 246927 (THRISSUR)

9) AJ 123228 (CHITTUR)

10) AK 890885 (KOLLAM)


12) AM 356780 (KOTTAYAM)

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

0665 1850 1918 2104 3053 3243 3504 3706 4022 4231 5525 5728 6221 6245 7225 7935 8026 8095

5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-

1557 2178 3414 3783 6797 7601 7750

6th Prize- Rs. 1000/-

0743 0899 1471 1879 1926 2277 3076 3078 4750 4927 4969 6373 6458 6943 6957 7054 7216 7242 8252 8437 8640 9121 9303 9349 9493 9972

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0062 0501 0514 0662 0811 0834 0848 0978 1130 1391 1673 1715 1807 1939 2036 2311 2583 2760 2811 2908 3128 3310 3382 3447 3481 3484 3656 4310 4376 4580 4637 4724 4766 4936 5135 5339 5349 5519 5588 5747 5791 6220 6264 6270 6342 6410 6450 6828 6948 7023 7031 7046 7196 7337 7625 7879 7929 8228 8302 8364 8419 8488 8525 8861 8925 9205 9312 9397 9430 9611 9702 9959

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0183 0276 0379 0571 0646 0693 0818 0930 0973 1091 1120 1193 1279 1327 1336 1442 1495 1547 1595 1648 1698 1734 1795 1954 2171 2188 2239 2436 2527 2530 2637 2682 2804 2835 2857 2884 2941 3126 3176 3416 3536 3662 3782 3801 3813 3926 4012 4014 4140 4194 4309 4469 4604 4614 4615 4708 4790 4807 4830 4832 4886 5019 5054 5170 5176 5641 5757 5795 6030 6053 6422 6434 6507 6560 6657 6671 6809 6856 6859 6933 7146 7199 7267 7273 7487 7507 7514 7530 7605 7627 7643 7707 7786 7918 7948 7961 7970 8086 8378 8425 8509 8512 8577 8702 8851 9011 9075 9113 9177 9380 9381 9529 9550 9555 9622 9677 9703 9712 9720 9820 9876 9956 9969

Previous 27.5.23 Karunya KR 603 Results : Click Here

“If you can't see the Lottery Result Please Refresh this page and wait for some time. Also refresh the page to see the newly added numbers.”

Kindly cross-check with the official result to be announced shortly.

Akshaya AK 601

If the prize money is less than Rs 5,000, the winners can claim the money from any lottery shop in Kerala. If the amount won is above Rs 5,000, the winners will have to surrender their tickets before a bank or government lottery office with id proofs.

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Next Akshaya Lottery Draw AK 602 will be held on 04/06/2023 at GORKY BHAVAN NEAR BAKERY JUNCTION THIRUVANANTHAPURAM


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Tags : 28.05.2023 kerala lottery result live today at 3 pm, 28.05.23 Sunday kerala lottery result, AK 601, AK 601 kerala lottery result, AK601, AK601 kerala lottery result, Akshaya, Akshaya AK 601, Akshaya AK 601 kerala lottery result, Akshaya AK601, Akshaya AK601 kerala lottery result, akshaya kerala lottery result, kerala lottery result, kerala lottery result 28.05.2023, kerala lottery result 28.05.23, kerala lottery result AK 601, kerala lottery result AK601, kerala lottery result Akshaya, kerala lottery result Akshaya AK 601, kerala lottery result Akshaya AK601, kerala lottery result live today, Kerala Lottery Result Today, kerala lottery result today 2023, kerala lottery result today live, kerala lottery results, Live kerala lottery result, live kerala lottery result today, live lottery result, lottery result today, today lottery, today lottery result