Seminar Topics

IEEE Seminar Topics Login : Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala

Published on Nov 30, 2023 Login : Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala Login : As per the Circular No 20/2019/Fin dated 08/03/2019, SPARK PMU has enabled login facility for all employees in Spark to view their e-Service Book and pay and allowance details in SPARK.

All regular employees are informed that those who don't have any user credentials in SPARK can register online by themselves to get individual login in SPARK. Login :

For new user registration of individual access in Spark, click the link 'Not registered a user yet, register now’ available below in the login page


A new window will appear on the screen with the title ‘SPARK User Registration for Individual Users’.


Before registration the user has to make sure that the Aadhar Number of the user has updated and verified through DDO login. If the Aadhar Number of the user is not yet registered, then the user will not be able to register through this option. The Aadhar Number details of the user can be updated through DDO login, whichis available in the menu,

Service mattersPersonal detailsPresent Service details.

In the new window the employee has to fill up the details like PEN, Name as in Service book,Date of Birth, Aadhar Number etc. Make sure that the details updated while registering for individual access is same as registered in SPARK. The user has the provision to enter a password for the login purposes in future, after new user registration. The password length should have minimum eight characters including alphabets and numbers only. After entering the password, click Verify button. If the mobile number registered in Spark is same as entered in new user registration, an OTP will be generated and it will be send to the mobile number of the user which is registered in Spark.

Then enter the OTP in the prescribed column. If the details updated in the page are found correct, then click submit button, otherwise click the clear button and update all the details once again. If the User has been provided an access in earlier and now not in his aware such cases could not be available in the new registration. It is also possible to reset the password through ‘Forgot password’ option included in login page too.