Web Alerts is a windows application that communicates with the web services hosted by particular area like e-learning, stock, weather forecast etc. When you minimize, this tool disappears from the screen and you can see a Small icon in the system tray, which can be used to re activate the tool. Even when the tool is hidden, it works silently in the background. At some regular intervals of time, it communicates with web services to find if there is any new alert created. If it finds a new alert, the tool downloads the alerts and pops up a message displaying the alert. This message will include a short description and a URL to click.
By clicking the URL, you can directly reach the web page represented by the alert. For example, when a new article is submitted in or when an answer is posted for your question, your Web Alerts tools will immediately popup alerting you to visit the page. For an applications like e-learning, marketing and Query processing even a web application can be developed for entry and editing and that can be tracked by windows, mobile and other application users thru web services. Every bank today sends alerts to their users when an amount is credited, withdrawn or a Cheque is presented. Similarly the alerts are generated for our application. Take an important area and design the application. Extend the application to register for alerts based on user choice. It is one of the hot requirements for every application today. This is one of the modern requirements for every desktop application today Proposed System:
The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach.
• User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
• The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
• Readily upload the latest updates, allows user to download the alerts by clicking the URL.
• There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process.
It provides high level of security with different level of authentication
- New alert generation/Notification
- Checking alert
- Search
- Weather Reports
- Weather Forecast
- Down Load
- E-Learning
- Reports
- PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 256 MB RAM
- Windows XP / 2000 or any Windows OS.
MS-SQL server
Ms-Visual Studio .Net 2005
Mobile Browser.
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