Solar Powered Grill From Recycled Carton Box |
To Light an LED Lamp Using a Thermistor |
Diode Characteristics |
Tangent Galvanometer |
To Study Reflection in Concave Mirror |
Parallelogram Law of Vectors |
Charge Induced On Two Identical Stryo Foam Balls |
Pressure Exerted by a Solid Iron Cuboid On Sand |
Verification of Archimedes Principle |
Energy from the Deep |
Heated Frozen or Regular? Paintball |
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier |
Self Designed Transformer |
Verification of Newtons Second Law |
Velocity of a Pulse Propagated Through a Slinky |
Ohms Law and Resistance |
To Study Variation of Current Using a LDR |
Energy Conservation in Two Dimensions |
Refractive Index Of Different Liquids Using Hollow Prism |
Automatic Night Lamp Using a Transistor |
To Measure the Speed of Sound at Room Temperature |
Viscosity of Fluids |
Raft Powered By Surface Tension |
Laser Security System |
The Effect of Height on Running Cadence |
The Simple Harmonic Motion of a Spring |
How Does Distance Affect the Intensity of Light |
The Coefficient of Restitution of Elastic Solids |
To Study the Static Characteristic of a Transistor |
To Construct an Amplifier Using a Transistor |
Self Inductance of a Coil |
Verification of Hookes Law |
Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field |
To Study the Phenomenon of Electromagnetic Induction |
To Study Refraction of Light in Rectangular Glass Slab |
Laws of Reflection of Sound |
Determination of Density of Solid |
To Construct a Portable Mobile Charger |
Newton's Third law of Motion |
Wireless Energy: The Future Of Electricity |
The Effect of Temperature on the Elasticity of a Rubber Band |
Effect of Tension on The Pitch of a String |
Effect of Pressure in Ball Bounce Height |
Effect of Mass on Terminal Velocity |
Effect of Pressure on Water Velocity |
Foam Thickness and Sound Attenuation |
Numerical Aperture of the Given Optical Fibre |
The Magnetic Field Lines around Current Carrying Solenoid |
Magnetic Field Lines around Current Carrying Conductor |
Bell Jar Experiment |
Force Required to Move a Wooden Block on a Horizontal Table |
Quantifying the Effect of Skyglow on the Visibility of Stars |
Frequency Relationship of Notes in Musical Harmony |
Across the Universe |
Cosmic Ray Shower Array Reconstruction |
Cold Nuclear Fusion |
Brass Instruments and Artificial Lips |
Analysis of Black Hole Thermodynamics |
181.4�C in the Sun |
AC Transformer |
Analysis of Voice Frequency across Ethnic Identities |
Zero Gravity Elevator Experiment |
Voltage Regulator Using Zener Diode |
Using Sound to Measure Temperature |
To Study the Variation of Electrical Resistance |
To Determining the Time Constant for an RC Circuit |
To Demonstrate the Production of Induced EAIF |
To Demonstrate The Phenomenon Of Total Interval Reflection |
To Calculate the Specific Heat Capacity of Water |
The Solar Heating and Night Cooling of Surfaces |
The Most Efficient Automobile Sunshade |
The Liquid Lens |
Study of Diffusion of Solids in Liquids |
Refractive Indices of Water And Turpentine Oil |
Study of Constituents of Alloys |
Photoresistor |
Make a Telescope |
Logic Gate |
Investigate the Relation between Output and Input Voltage |
How Fish Achieve Neutral Buoyancy |
Electronic Eye |
A Dying Star |
Analysis of Voice Frequency across Ethnic Identities |
A New Perspective with a Digital Pinhole |
Are There More Cosmic Rays at Higher Altitudes |
Chill Out |
Does Horizontal Speed Help |
Effect of a Magnetic Field and Applied Voltage |
Effects of Rotational Inertia on a Fastball |
Evaporation Sensation |
Glassic Music |
Glassic Music |
How Do Varying Amplitudes |
Marco Polo |
Mechanical Exfoliation |
Photoelectrochemical Cell |
Photometric Study of Eclipsing Binary Stars |
Proving Universal Gravitation by Warping Space-Time |
Reflections on Reflection |
Relativistic Stress |
Rubens Tube |
Seeing Through the Haze |
Selective Isolation and Manipulation |
Semiclassical Method to Predict Helium |
Sink or Float |
Solar Cells |
Sta-Netic |
Study of the Effect of the Curvature of Spacetime |
Testing Gas Laws |
The Mathematics of Sympathetic Vibrations |
The Metal Meltdown |
Tricky Curie |
Which Diameter String Has the Purest Tone |
Will a Guitar String Vibrate Forever |
Effectiveness of Recycled Materials as Thermal Insulation |
Creating Sound with Heat |
Radioactive Attenuation and the Inverse Square Law |
Densitys Effect on Amplitude |
Does the Rate of Heating Have an Affinity for Salinity |
Testing Sound Decay in Different Gasses |
Direct Solar Pool Heater |
Count on Calories |
The Focalization of Sound |
Tempest in a Teacup |
Safely Thawing Meat Used while Backpacking |
Determining the Type of Particle in an Air Sample |
Doppler Effect and the Fiber Gyroscope |