Published on Nov 30, 2023
This system automatically send SMS to customer for EB, Phone bill cost of each two Months using GSM and auto billing with SMS reply systems. The system will work as a Auto billing for all.
This is divided into two different modules,
a) Serial Communication
b) Data Base
c) SMS using Fbus cable
This is divided into three modules,
a) RS232 communication,
b) Display module
c) Data Base Storage System
This system is used to read and control the data from all four machines. Then for each day all data’s are sending into PC via RF communication. The PC will receive all data and display on the screen and stored in DB using C. At the same time the controller will send the data (Status) into owner mobile via GSM communication.
The control set into SMS via mobile using GSM to microcontroller.
1) Name
2) Total Cost for two months EB bill
3) Bank Name
4) A/c Number
1) Customer Name
2) Customer Address
3) Last Billing Date
4) Due Date of Billing
5) Total Cost for two months EB bill
6) Paid
7) Fine Amount
1) Embedded C : CCS
2) C
3) Windows
1) PIC16F877
2) Max232
3) PC
1) Automation of all CUSTOMER to communicate through remote GSM using mobile
2) Save data using automatic control systems
3) Less cost to communicate
4) Less power to automate
5) Increase productivity
6) To increase n number of customer to communicate and automate.
7) Easy and fast billing system
1) To automate all customer to communicate through mobile via SMS Communication. To modify this system into Mobile Banking GSM technologies.