Published on Mar 04, 2023
OU Degree Results 2021 Manabadi : Osmania University Degree 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Sem results 2021 January/February Name Wise with marks released at
Students can check their OU degree 2nd 4th 6th Sem BA, B.Com, B.Sc Results 2021 from direct links given below. Osmania University Conducted UG 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Backlog and 6th Sem Examinations in the month of January/February 2021 successfully.
OU UG Results 2021 will be published at Official website as well as other private websites i.e., schools9, manabadi, indiaresults, vidyavision etc. As per the latest news, OU Degree Exam Results 2021 announced in April which was conducted for BA, B.Com, BSC 6th sem CBCS students. So Students should keep an eye here and find your Marks list credits wise after announcement in the below links.
Name of the University | Osmania University |
Name of the Exam | OU U.G.(BA/ B.Com./ B.Sc./ BBA/ BSW) CBCS Examinations, January/February 2021 |
Exam Dates | January/February 2021 |
Category | OU Degree Results 2021 |
Result release Date | 23-03-2021 |
Official Website |, |
1) Visit the official Osmania University website -
2) On the homepage, click on the ‘Examination Results’ tab, a new page will appear on your screen.
3) Click on the link to the relevant result
4) Enter your 12-digit hall ticket number.
6) Submit. The result will appear on your screen.
7) Download the result and take its printout for future use.
The provisional list of successful candidates who have appeared in B.A/B.Com / B.Sc./ B.B.A./ B.S.W of UG (CBCS) Semester II, IV, VI (Regular & Backlog) examinations held in JAN/FEB 2021 Will be uploaded in
OU UG 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Examinations, JAN/FEB 2021 Results:
1) B.A
2) B.Com
3) B.Sc
4) B.Com (Hons)
5) B.Com (Voc)
6) B.S.W
7) BBA
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