Kerala Lottery Results

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LIVE Today | Kerala Lottery Result 12.4.24 Nirmal Weekly NR 375

Published on Apr 12, 2024

LIVE Today | Kerala Lottery Result 12.4.24 Nirmal Weekly NR 375

Kerala Lottery Result 12.4.24 Nirmal Weekly NR 375 Results : Lottery Ticket : Nirmal Weekly Lottery NR375 Ticket Draw held on 12/04/2024 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram. The first prize is worth Rs 70 lakh, while the second and third are of Rs 10 lakh and Rs 1,00,000 respectively. The consolation prize is Rs 8,000.

The result will be live on this page at 3.00 pm. Kindly refresh the page for new numbers പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് പേജ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

Winning Numbers for Nirmal Weekly NR-375 Lottery

Nirmal Weekly Lottery Lottery No. NR-375 Draw Held On 12/04/2024 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram

1st Prize- Rs. 70,00,000/-



Agency No.: A 5885

Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/ :

NN 407408 NO 407408 NP 407408 NR 407408 NS 407408 NT 407408 NU 407408 NW 407408 NX 407408 NY 407408 NZ 407408

2nd Prize- Rs. 10,00,000/-

NY 298572 (PUNALUR)


Agency No.: Q 4791

3rd Prize- Rs. 1,00,000/-

1) NN 332143

2) NO 235523

3) NP 799723

4) NR 673518

5) NS 624160

6) NT 980046

7) NU 879120

8) NV 366201

9) NW 348031

10) NX 149448

11) NY 754871

12) NZ 489258

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

0669 1381 2317 2812 2864 3553 4239 5343 5900 6105 6232 6621 8353 8529 8530 8538 9032 9407

5th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

0127 0226 0255 0940 1655 1946 2022 2529 2532 2605 2838 3089 3160 3869 3993 4255 4436 4600 4820 5890 6267 6296 6410 6456 6593 7053 7346 7739 7922 8599 9136 9163 9414 9425 9844 9990

6th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0304 0335 0424 0472 0549 0569 0627 0666 0691 0735 0962 0964 1218 1335 1515 1696 1710 1783 1804 2220 2252 2522 2562 2598 2961 3314 3435 3564 3782 3796 4057 4194 4391 4851 4955 4962 5499 5603 5678 6004 6016 6099 6346 6350 6380 6701 6743 6749 6794 6811 6821 6948 6949 6969 6975 7255 7527 7644 7865 7971 8137 8153 8215 8323 8336 8357 8735 8753 8910 8996 9100 9131 9140 9385 9392 9571 9575 9674 9865

7th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0005 0027 0048 0352 0389 0495 0577 0646 0725 1033 1134 1518 1577 1681 1699 1851 1917 1967 2004 2013 2121 2122 2130 2388 2498 2521 2576 2662 2680 2736 2841 2916 2926 2932 3256 3267 3306 3358 3421 3490 3709 3828 3901 3956 4160 4162 4236 4256 4275 4399 4415 4496 4510 4546 4739 4750 5164 5204 5293 5318 5383 5600 5623 5745 5758 5848 6022 6161 6219 6262 6319 6343 6502 6585 6602 6653 6672 6682 6697 6880 6930 6956 6960 6966 6997 7009 7040 7044 7087 7115 7158 7213 7251 7356 7392 7440 7585 7623 7643 7700 7813 7824 8101 8225 8248 8320 8322 8372 8435 8492 8816 8868 9024 9138 9191 9271 9278 9449 9459 9508 9709 9869

Previous 11.4.24 Karunya Plus KN 517 Lottery : Click Here

“If you can't see the Lottery Result Please Refresh this page and wait for some time. Also refresh the page to see the newly added numbers.”

Kindly cross-check with the official result to be announced shortly.

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Next Nirmal Weekly Lottery NR 376 Draw Will Be Held On 19/04/24 at Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram.


unni · Apr 14, 2024


Unni · Apr 14, 2024


Anonymous · Apr 12, 2024

Kunna niyum kudumbam vellam kitathe chavun mayiraa

Anonymous · Apr 12, 2024

Pulayadimakkal innupoyi abante അമ്മയെ kettikan 3000pinrayi nari para narri ninte achent paisa alla mayiraa pavahal kastapedunna payisaya purimone


100 RS

Thankachan · Apr 12, 2024

