World Rabies Day 2021 : History, Significance, Theme, Quotes

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World Rabies Day 2021 : History, Significance, Theme, Quotes

September 28 is World Rabies Day, a global health observance started in 2007 to raise awareness about rabies and bring together partners to enhance prevention and control efforts worldwide. World Rabies Day is observed in many countries, including the United States.

World Rabies Day takes place each year on September 28, the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur who, with the collaboration of his colleagues, developed the first efficacious rabies vaccine. World Rabies Day aims to raise awareness about the impact of rabies on humans and animals, provide information and advice on how to prevent the disease in at-risk communities, and support advocacy for increased efforts in rabies control.

History of World Rabies Day

The first World Rabies Day campaign took place on 8 September 2007 as a partnership between the Alliance for Rabies Control and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA, with the co-sponsorship of the World Health Organization, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Pan American Health Organization [Briggs D, Hanlon CA. World Rabies Day: focusing attention on a neglected disease. Vet Rec. 2007 Sep 1;. In 2009, after three World Rabies Days, the Global Alliance for Rabies Control estimated that rabies prevention and awareness events had taken place in over 100 countries, that nearly 100 million people worldwide had been educated about rabies and that nearly 3 million dogs had been vaccinated during events linked to the campaign.

A 2011 review by a network of international government agencies, academics, NGOs and vaccine manufacturers identified World Rabies Day as a useful tool to assist with rabies prevention, targeting at-risk communities, animal health workers, public health practitioners, governments, key opinion leaders and experts.

In the years following the review, World Rabies Day has also been used by governments and international agencies as a day on which to announce policies, plans and progress on rabies elimination. For example, In 2013, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN, the World Health Organization and the World Organisation for Animal Health first called for the global elimination of canine-mediated rabies in a joint statement released on World Rabies Day.[13] It has been included in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Rabies Elimination Strategy.At the first Pan-African Rabies Control Network meeting in 2015, the 33 African countries represented there recommended consideration of World Rabies Day as an opportunity for rabies advocacy.In the Philippines World Rabies Day has been observed at the national and local government levels since 2007, and is part of its National Rabies Prevention and Control Program.

Significance of World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day is an opportunity to reflect on how rabies impacts your community and other communities around the world. Rabies is still present in many parts of the United States where it is often found in wildlife. However, roughly a quarter of reported rabies cases in the United States are a result from dog bites received during international travel. The best way to protect you, your family, and your pets is to keep dogs and cats up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations. You can also protect you and your family by travelling smart, and avoiding contact with dogs and other animals that may have rabies when you travel outside the country. Find out the rabies status of any country using CDC’s interactive assessment site.

While rabies is a 100% preventable disease, more than 59,000 people die from the disease around the world each year. World Rabies Day is an opportunity to reflect on our efforts to control this deadly disease and remind ourselves that the fight is not yet over.

World Rabies Day 2021 Theme.

This year’s World Rabies Day theme is: “Rabies: Facts, not Fear”.

World Rabies Day 2021 Quotes

• “Protect yourself and your caring dog!”

• “A dog that has rabies probably will do things it wouldn’t do if it didn’t have rabies. But that doesn’t change the fact that it has rabies.” » John Malkovich

• “We have methods in this country to control rabies as far as a human disease is concerned, and we do not need this vaccine, and it does not work.” » Jane Rissler

• “If it’s someone’s pet and you’re keeping it at home, there’s just too much room for error there. Hopefully, lady will not get rabies, but we have to assume the raccoon was rabid.” » Lynda Smith

• “Raccoons and bats are the animals you find rabies in the most.” » James Maloney

• “I could go on to speak of sanity as compared with insanity, decency as compared with vandalism, friendship as compared with rabies.” » KURT VONNEGUT

• “This was the only definitive way to find out if the child had exposed to rabies. It’s a huge loss. It’s nothing we wanted to do.” » Julia Dixon

• Don’t leave the issue unheard. Do your part and educate the world about it. End rabies. Stay healthy and be safe on this World Rabies Day.

• Erase rabies from the map of the world by taking required precautions and raising awareness on time. Take care, stay healthy and be safe om this World Rabies Day.

• Take the right step and precautions in time before there is no time left. Protect people and erase rabies. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Rabies Day.

• Help to reduce the sufferings caused by rabies on a global level. Plan an event and spread awareness about it. Take care, stay healthy and be safe on this World Rabies Day.

• Create pact of immunity. Vaccinate your dogs regularly for rabies and save a life. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Rabies Day.

• 70℅ of the dogs near you can infect people with rabies. Save a life, get them vaccinated in time. Take care, stay healthy and be safe on this World Rabies Day.

• Information is the key. Be aware and spread knowledge about the necessary precautions to prevent rabies and stay safe. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Rabies Day.

• It is upon us to protect ourselves and secure our health. Remember to get your dogs vaccinated and avoid rabies on this day. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Rabies Day.

• Dogs are also a part of your family. Love them and care for them. Get them vaccinated and help to erase rabies. Take care, stay healthy and be safe on this World Rabies Day.

World Rabies Day 2021 Images

Rabies Day

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