view-source https // :
There is nothing spacial at this page specifically, it has normal stuff that any other ‘view source’ page has.
But! You can use stuff from the source code, to do stuff faster, for example using the JavaScript terminal for liking all comments for a specific post, just by finding the comments representation on the code, and creating a loop that will iterate all of the commens, and activate like function or whatever it is.
But you can learn a lot about how their system works, and what tools or commands they are using, and it’s actually pretty fun!
THE source page is basically just a simple page where the codings and the documentation of the page can be seen in a text format.
you can know about the software used and the language used for coding from the source page.
you can also get some information on where is the media stored.(like images ,logos,etc.)
How can you tell if non-friends have viewed your Facebook profile?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions regarding Facebook Profile.
If I talk about Facebook’s Official reply- then it does not allow this. (Guidelines are in the video below)
But on the internet, there are some tricks available.
I tested the top three of them-
1- Using any third-party app, extension, or add-on. The problem with this is the data will not be accurate and data breaching issue.
2- Second is by viewing your top friends in your profile but in this method, you can’t see who are not your friends.
3- Using “View Page Source” Option (For more clarification watch the video till the end)
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