Thisisnotawebsitedotcom Password This Person Does Not Exist

Thisisnotawebsitedotcom Password This Person Does Not Exist

This Is Not A Website Dot Com is an intriguing online puzzle that appeared alongside The Book of Bill on July 23, 2024. The website’s address is Here are some key details:

1. Homepage: When you visit the site, you’ll find a black screen with an isosceles triangle and an empty text box. Entering the correct password unlocks further content.

2. Password: The password can be obtained by going to the page with Question #7 in the “One True Intelligence Test” from The Book of Bill. When you turn the book upside down, a message appears: “Need a password? Fine, I’ll talk.” Tilt the book to the right, and a second message reveals the password: “It’s the name of the eyeball doc.” This refers to T.J. Eckleburg, a character from The Great Gatsby. Capitalization, punctuation, and spacing don’t matter when entering the password.

3. Countdown: Typing “T.J. Eckleburg” into the text box and clicking submit leads to a page with a countdown. The background resembles parchment paper, and deciphered symbols above the countdown read “LOST FILES.” The countdown initially pointed to noon on July 30th, 2024, based on the device’s date and time settings.

4. After Countdown: Once the countdown ended, the inscription “NOW” appeared. Its meaning remains unclear. Reloading the site shows Soos fixing wires, and clicking on his upper body changes the dialogue on the page.

Feel free to explore the mystery further!


Here are some additional hints:

  1. Symbols and Patterns: Pay close attention to any symbols, patterns, or hidden elements on the website. Sometimes seemingly insignificant details can lead to breakthroughs.
  2. Interact with Soos: Explore the page where Soos is fixing wires. Click on different parts of his body, and observe how the dialogue changes. There might be clues hidden in these interactions.
  3. Think Outside the Box: Remember that this puzzle is designed to be unconventional. Don’t limit yourself to standard web interactions—try unexpected approaches.
  4. Collaborate: Consider collaborating with other puzzle enthusiasts. Online communities and forums often share insights and discoveries related to puzzles like this one.

Keep your detective hat on, and may the clues guide you toward the next step