School Cash Online Login : | How do you use school cash?
The SchoolCash Online program allows parents to pay online for field trips, lunch days and other items. The program is intended to reduce paper, eliminate the need for students to travel with money, and for money to be counted and stored at schools.
Paying online is our preferred method of payment.
How does it work?
Parents/guardians will use a secure online account to complete forms and process payments. Payment can be made through credit card, by EFT directly from your bank account, or by using a Visa/Mastercard debit style card.
Parents/guardians can select to receive email notification when a new item becomes available. Items are personalized to each student. For example, if Grade 2 students are attending a field trip, the option to pay for the field trip will only be visible to parents of those students.
School Cash Online | KEV Group School Solutions |
Article Name | School Cash Online Login |
Release Pay Login | |
Help Line Number | 1.866.961.1803 | | Click Here |
How to add a student
Navigate to the URL for your district’s SchoolCash Online site
Sign In and navigate to the Add Student page.
Do NOT see the ADD button? Make sure you are logged in.
Option 1:
If you do not have any students added to your account, you will be automatically directed to the Add Student page.
Option 2:
To attach a student to your account when you already have one or more students attached:
select the My Account tab
select My Students from the drop-down
scroll to the bottom of your student list and select Add another student
If you have not previously added students to your account, then the My Student page will present you with the option to Click here to add a student.
After following the steps in option 1 or option 2, you will be directed to the Add Student page.
To change the School Board name, select the checkbox next to the Type in the School Board name and select one from the list checkbox.
Type the name of your student’s School Board into the dialogue box until the name appears in the drop-down menu. Then select the correct School Board name from the drop-down.
Select the name of the student’s school from the School Name drop-down.
The school name will be listed in the School Name dialogue box.
Enter the student’s information.
How to add students via invitation link
Adding students via invitation link is available for some districts as not all school boards currently offer an auto-subscribe feature.
How the Auto Subscription works:
Once the school staff adds your student/s to their Student Information System, within a few days, the primary guardian will receive an email from SchoolCash Online ( to add the students.
You will have 30 days to accept your student/s. The link will expire after 30 days.
If you are a primary guardian and received a link, and you already have a SchoolCash Online account, please log in with your existing credentials, and the student will be added to the account.
If you are a primary guardian and received a link but do NOT have a SchoolCash Online account, you will be redirected to the registration page.
Once you complete the registration of the SchoolCash Online account, you will receive an email to activate the account.
After the account is confirmed, your student/s will be automatically added to the account.
If the student/s is not reflected with your SchoolCash Online account, please verify that the email address you are accessing your SchoolCash Online account matches the email you received from SchoolCash Online to add your student.
Note: If you have more than one student attending school in your district, you will receive a separate email for all students. You would have to confirm all students.
Note: Only the primary guardian will receive an email to add their students. All other guardians should reach out to the primary guardian to be invited.
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