Account Verify : How you can Verify you Google Pay Account?
This step helps your bank protect your account. Based on your bank, you can choose from the following options. Your verification code comes from your bank, not Google Pay.
Note: Make sure your bank has your current phone number and email address so you get the codes.
How you can verify
After you get your code, make sure to go back and enter it in the Google Pay app.
By email or text
When you verify this way, your bank sends a verification code within a few minutes. If you don’t get one, contact your bank.
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By phone
You can call your bank directly to get a verification code. For some banks, you can request a call through Google Pay.
By bank app
You might need to sign in to your bank’s app to verify your payment method. If you don’t have the app, you might be asked to install it and then come back to Google Pay.
By temporary deposit
A small deposit, usually under $1, might temporarily show up on your bank account. You might get a notice about the deposit, like a text or email. The deposit will be removed from your account as a debit.
To find your verification code:
- Sign in to your bank account.
- Find the charge that matches the amount in Google Pay.
- On your Android-powered device, open the Google Pay app
- At the bottom, tap Payment.
- Under the payment method, tap Verify.
- Choose the amount and tap Verify.
Fix problems
Didn’t get a code
- Make sure you checked the right phone number, email address, app, or bank account for your verification method.
- Check that your device has a signal or is connected to Wi-Fi.
- If you still don’t get your code, choose a different verification method and try again.
- If other methods don’t work, call your bank.
Code doesn’t work
- Check that you entered the code correctly.
- Choose a different verification method and try again.
- If your code still doesn’t work, call your bank.
- Ask the bank to check verification for the Google Pay app.
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Edit a payment method
Important: If you remove a payment method that’s used for a subscription to a Google service, you might be prompted to add a new payment method. You can also cancel a subscription.
- Go to Google Pay.
- At the top, click Payment methods. If you don’t see “Payment methods” at the top, you may need to expand your browser window, or click Menu
- Next to a card or bank account, click Edit.
- If you can’t find “Edit,” remove the payment method, then add it again.
- For cards, you can edit:
- Expiration date
- Name on the account
- Address
For bank accounts, you can only edit the name or address. To update other info, remove the bank account, then follow the steps to add a new bank account.
Remove a payment method
Important: If you remove a payment method that’s used for a subscription to a Google service, you might be prompted to add a new payment method. You can also cancel a subscription.
- Go to Google Pay.
- At the top, click Payment methods.
- Next to a card or bank account, click Remove
Nickname a payment method
- Sign in to Google Pay.
- At the top, select Payment methods.
- Select the payment method you want to nickname.
- Click Edit.
- Next to “Card nickname,” click Edit
- Enter your custom name.
- Click Update.
Remove a nickname for a payment method
- Sign in to Google Pay.
- At the top, select Payment methods.
- Select the payment method you want to edit.
- Click Edit.
- Next to “Card nickname,” click Edit
- Delete your custom name.
- Click Update.
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