login.northlane.com Activate Card Online : How Do I Activate My Northlane Card?

login.northlane.com Activate Card Online : How Do I Activate My Northlane Card?

To activate your new Northlane Card, login into login.northlane.com/activate and enter the card number and Security Code on back of the card. Else simply call the phone number on the sticker and follow the instructions. If you do not have an activation sticker on the front of your card, your card is already activated and ready to use.

You can use your card to make purchases anywhere Visa® or Mastercard® debit cards are accepted (card brand is noted on the front of your card).

A credit card gives you a line of credit in advance of receiving funds that you must pay back. Your debit card comes pre-loaded. You can spend the funds as you see fit, but you can’t spend more than your current available card balance.

login.northlane.com Activate

If you received your card with an activation sticker on the front, simply call the phone number on the sticker and follow the instructions. If you do not have an activation sticker on the front of your card, your card is already activated and ready to use.

To activate your card, go to the website provided on the back of your card and complete the information requested. Access your whole payment and spending history by clicking the “My Account” button. You can also choose to print out the specifics of your transaction

To set your PIN, call 1-800-225-1115. In order to keep your card balance secure, you must protect the confidentiality of your PIN. If you suspect that your PIN is no longer secure, contact Customer Service immediately by calling the number on the back of your card. We advise against writing your PIN on your card or keeping a notation of your PIN with your card. You are responsible for the protection of your PIN and you will not be able to recover funds lost as a result of unauthorized use of your PIN

You can use your card to make purchases at any merchant (online or in-store) that accepts Mastercard or Visa branded debit cards (look for the logo on the front of your card). To complete a transaction, select “credit” to authorize your transaction with a signature. If the funds are available in your account, the purchase will be approved. Select “debit” to authorize your transaction by entering a PIN at the point of sale. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will be able to request cash back with the transaction. Check the materials included with your card package to determine if this feature is enabled for your card.

Card number of front of card. Security code on back.


Article Name login.northlane.com Activate Card Online
Northlane Card Activation Link login.northlane.com/activate
Activate Northlane Card Click Here
Official Website www.northlane.com


In order to complete a transaction online, just follow these simple steps:

(1) Select the items you wish to purchase.

(2) Proceed to “check out,”.

(3) Select Mastercard or Visa as your payment option, depending on your card type,

(4) Enter your 16-digit card number and the 3-digit Security Code (if required, the Security Code (or CVV code) can be found on the back of the card and it is the last three digits printed in the signature panel), and your expiration date,

(5) Enter the billing address associated with your card. That’s it. The merchant will process your transaction.


In the unlikely event that your transaction is declined by an online store, please make sure that you have done the following:

• Verified that the merchant accepts Mastercard or Visa debit cards

• Selected “credit card” as the payment method

• Selected “Mastercard” or “Visa” (depending on the logo printed on the front of your card)

• Correctly entered your 16-digit card number

• Correctly entered your Security Code (if applicable)

• Correctly entered your expiration date

• Correctly entered your name (as it appears on your card)

• Correctly entered your billing address (same address provided for your account)

• The purchase amount is not more than your available balance