https //www.webxam org Login Account
Login to the WebXam home page ( Click the account type menu option in the left navigation bar (e.g., “Administrator”, “Teacher”, “Secondary Student”). Click the “New” button.
WebXam is an online testing portal used by Career Technical Education (CTE) programs throughout the state of Ohio to have students participate in end-of-course testing needed for graduation.
The system administers Ohio’s Career-Technical Education statewide assessments to Ohio students in qualifying career-technical programs. The tests align with Ohio’s Career-Field Technical content standards as established by the Ohio Department of Education. Educators throughout the state, as well as industry professionals, collaborate to create the tests for this platform.
WebXam consists of the following web-based components:
- an administration interface where users can be managed and students can be scheduled to take tests
- a testing interface where students log in and take tests
- a reporting interface that allows administrators to run reports of student achievement as needed
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Creating Accounts
WebXam provides tools for authorized users to create new user accounts. To create a new user account a “New” menu option is available under each user type listed in the menu in the WebXam sidebar.
Different users will see different options based on their account type and permissions. Administrator accounts can create all account types including additional administrator accounts. Teacher accounts can create student accounts (secondary and adult students) or assessor accounts. When using the “Account Type” > “New” menu option, WebXam provides a form to collect the required information to create the new account type.
Manual account creation process:
- Login to the WebXam home page (
- Click the account type menu option in the left navigation bar (e.g., “Administrator”, “Teacher”, “Secondary Student”).
- Click the “New” button.
- Enter the information for the user in the form.
- Click the “Create User” button at the bottom of the page.
Special Circumstances:
- Teacher accounts can only be created by an administrator account.
- Student accounts must be assigned to a teacher account that already exists or the account creation process will show an error.
Adding a Student
There are two ways student accounts can be added to WebXam, manual entry or a file upload. Uploading student roster data annually using a file upload is WebXam’s recommended process for student account creation. District Test Coordinators and Administrators can upload student roster data using the “Secondary Student” > “Upload” menu.
Roster file uploads should include all students enrolled in the district’s CTE or FCS programs.
- School districts should use the State Student Identifier (SSID), the unique identifier for each student when rostering student accounts. Using the SSID facilitates the district’s ability to load student results data into the EMIS system after testing.
- Rostering students every year or more with a file upload ensures the student data is up-to-date and accurate. Roster uploads help to ensure student grade level, assigned teacher, etc. are set correctly.
- Roster uploads can be uploaded as frequently as needed. WebXam uses the SSID provided in the roster file to find the appropriate account and update the account information. If no matching account is found a new account is created and the data is populated.
The second method for student account creation is for a teacher or administrator to use the student account creation form on the WebXam website to enter students. This manual method works well for adding a small number of accounts but also can cause data errors due to incorrect information being provided or data keying errors.
Before adding a student to WebXam manually, make sure an existing account for the student does not already exist by searching the student list using the student’s SSID.
Types of WebXam Users
WebXam may be used by the following types of users:
Administrators: Administrators may upload, create or manage Secondary Students, Create and manage teacher accounts and create and manage additional administrator accounts in programs they have access to. Special administrators, called District Testing Coordinators (DTCs) may administer all programs in all districts they hold the DTC role for. All districts should have at least one DTC and may have as many DTCs as they wish. Administrators may also activate test sessions for teachers and view reports.
Teachers: Teachers can manage student accounts, activate test sessions, and view reports.
Assessors: Assessors may enter scoring for any assessment processes that occur outside of WebXam, such as Teacher Portfolios or Baking and Pastry Arts Performance Assessments
Secondary or Adult Students: Secondary students may sign in using access codes created as part of the test activation to take assessments.
Types of WebXam Tests
Each career path, as designated by the Ohio Department of Education (, is divided into competency-based pathways, with each pathway having a designated number of courses. Some courses cross pathways within a career field. A pathway will have a sequence of courses, generally 8 to 10 courses per pathway. Each course features an end-of-course test that is administered through the WebXam testing portal.
Each ODE approved course may have a variety of test types available including:
Practice tests: Practice tests include test items selected from across a pathway level. There is only one practice test available per pathway. Teachers and students can take the practice tests to familiarize themselves with the kinds of items and formats used in WebXam testing.
Pre-tests: WebXam pre-tests are designed to be given before instruction and measure a student’s prior knowledge. WebXam pretests are optional but can provide teachers a way to gauge student knowledge, prepare students for future content and, in the end, measure student growth.
Post-tests: WebXam post-tests measure a student’s knowledge after completion of their course. Post-tests are also referred to as end-of-course tests and are required for students enrolled in CTE courses.
Ordering Tests
All field tests, post-tests, and practice tests are offered online for free.
The following tests require testing credits to be purchased and assigned to the teacher account before they can be activated.
- Pre-tests
- 99DA Employability
- 99DB Employability Form 2
The cost is $2.00 per pre-test and $10.00 per Employability Test (99DA/99DB). The remaining tests do not need to be ordered.
Orders for tests are placed online using the WebXam website.
How to Order Tests
After registering with WebXam, the District Test Coordinator or administrator is responsible for ordering any needed testing credits using the WebXam website. DTCs can create a single purchase order for all teachers in the school district. Test credits can be assigned to the DTCs account for later distribution to teachers or directly assigned to individual teachers during the ordering process.
We accept payment by purchase order, check, or credit card.
To order tests:
- Login at the WebXam home page.
- At the top of the left navigation bar, click the “Order Tests” section (only Administrators will see this section).
- To place an order, click the “New Order” menu item.
- Enter the information for your billing contact, PO, and Tax Exemption Number.
- You can assign tests to a specific teacher by using the Teacher dropdown and choosing the teacher. Under “Type” be sure to identify the desired test type. Then, in the “Quantity” box, you can choose the number of tests for the desired teacher.
- If you need to assign tests to more than one teacher, use the “Expand Order” button until you have assigned all the tests you need to individual teachers.
- When you are done, you can hit “Submit Order” to complete this request.
Note: If you need additional tests, simply place another order following the directions above.
To view existing orders:
- Login at the WebXam home page.
- In the left navigation bar, click the “Order Test” section (only Administrators can see this section).
- In the dropdown, click the “View Orders” menu item.
- The Order Overview will show you the orders placed and the individuals who have tests assigned to them. By default 10 entries are shown, but you can view more entries by using the dropdown to adjust this number.
- The Order History, below the Overview, will show the purchase orders, the dates the orders were placed, and the cost of the orders.
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