https //uwin : U-WIN Vaccinator for Immunization
The government is using the U-Win application at uwin in order to monitor and document the immunisation status of youngsters and pregnant women.
The application’s objective is to furnish immunisation information for individuals of all ages, accessible at any given moment. The government is currently providing training to staff for the functioning of the U-win application. The specific date for the commencement of the launch has not been disclosed as of yet.
U-WIN portal
U-WIN portal has been started by the government as a pilot project in Solan and Sirmaur districts. Complete information about maternal and child vaccination in the state will be available on this portal. Under this center sponsored project, these two districts have been included in selected districts across the country.
This portal has been developed on the lines of CoWIN portal. The data of all the vaccination beneficiaries of the state will be available in the portal. Complete information about vaccination from time to time after the birth of the child will be available on this portal. Earlier, information related to vaccination was available only through offline medium. This portal is also being linked directly to the labor room, so that correct and accurate information is available. All government and private hospitals are also being linked with the U-WIN portal.
All the beneficiaries will get the information regarding their vaccination through SMS. The Mother and Child health is one of the most important health aspect and complete information regarding their schedule of vaccination along with venue and time through SMS on their registered mobile number from the U-WIN portal itself. Beneficiaries may get vaccinated in any state as the record of U-WIN portal is available at the national level. The special feature of the portal is that after the completion of the vaccination process, the beneficiary will also get the vaccination certificate. To get the beneficiary registered in the U-WIN portal, Aadhaar card and mobile number will have to be provided at the vaccination center.
The state government, through the health department, vaccinates children against various diseases, which mainly include Rotavirus infection, Tuberculosis, Measles, Whooping cough, Tetanus, Hepatitis-B infection etc. Vaccination, on the one hand boosts the immunity of children and on the other strengthen them to fight against various bacteria and viruses.
At present, an estimated 43,000 beneficiaries will be benefited annually through the U-WIN portal launched in these two districts. An estimated 11,000 children and 13,000 pregnant women in the age group of 0-1 years will be benefited in district Solan. While in district Sirmaur, an estimated 9100 children and 10 thousand pregnant women in the age group of 0-1 years will be benefited.
U-Win Portal: E-card
Upon completing the registration process on U-Win, users will be issued an electronic card that enables them to monitor their vaccination dates. This card provides a comprehensive record of both past and upcoming vaccination dates.
The vaccine will confer immunity against a total of twelve diseases that can be prevented through vaccination. Immunisation efforts are implemented on a national scale to combat a total of 11 diseases, namely diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, rubella, a severe variant of childhood tuberculosis, rotavirus-induced diarrhoea, hepatitis B, meningitis, and pneumonia caused by Haemophilus, Influenza type B, and pneumococcal pneumonia. Additionally, immunisation campaigns are conducted at a sub-national level to address the disease known as Japanese Encephalitis.