Registration code will be provided to you by Change Healthcare. This will be included in the contents of your National Payments Connector Provider Enrollment email.
Change Healthcare operates the largest Integrated Medical Network in the country today. We see it as our responsibility to partner with providers and payers to drive costs out of the system. The National Payments Connector is a new approach to helping providers eliminate paper and create better experiences for healthcare consumers at scale, with one partner, and one simple process.
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What is a TIN and where can I find my TIN?
A TIN or taxpayer identification number is a unique nine-digit number used to identify an individual, business, or other entity in tax returns and other documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
If you are uncertain about your Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Taxpayer Name in IRS records, we suggest that you compare the information you entered with the Taxpayer Name and TIN information on one of the following documents from the IRS
The original notice you received from the IRS assigning you an EIN (Employer Identification Number).
Your most recent federal tax return for the business activity.
Any other recently received notice for the business activity.
If your TIN is a Social Security Number (SSN), compare the name and number with the information on your actual Social Security Card.
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What is a registration code & where can I find mine?
Registration code will be provided to you by Change Healthcare. This will be included in the contents of your National Payments Connector Provider Enrollment email.
National Payments Connector™ is a digital solution for providers to process payments and claims attachments with payers and patients using one partner, Change Healthcare.
Also Read : https //
Facilitate fast payments
Enhance your cash flow by enrolling to receive electronic payments from payers and patients.
Save time and costs
Automated electronic processes that eliminate the need for paper handling, follow up calls, and postage.
Streamline your workflow
Help ensure data is sent in accordance with each payer’s unique requirements and receive electronic confirmation.
Enable a remote workforce
100% electronic payment and claim attachment workflow that eliminates paper and paper processes.
Expedite patient payments
Reduce administrative costs by eliminating paper billing statements and managing EOB online.
Enroll with ease
Access to more than 90 healthcare payers for electronic payments and submitting electronic claim attachments.
Receive electronic payments (EFT)
Automatically receive electronic payments from payers via Automated Clearing House (ACH) and access digital electronic remittance advice (ERA), and explanation of payments (EOP) information.
Connect to our medical network
One enrollment connects you to 90+ payers. Receive electronic fund transfer (EFT) payments via our online portal.
Eliminate paper
Improve your office efficiency, facilitate faster payments, and help reduce payment processing time and costs