https // : National Police Clearance System Philippines

How to Register? For first time applicants, Account Registration is required at Fill up the necessary information in order to create an account. Said information will be used as reference in the log-in process.

It is a nationwide issuance of police clearance thru online application which seeks to improve the process for criminal records check.

Applicants may apply for clearance anytime and anywhere thru online by following the simple steps/procedures as follows:

How to Apply National Police Clearance

Step 1: Online Registration and Appointment setting.

Step 2: Payment.

Step 3: Photo and Fingerprint Capture.

Step 4: Release of Clearance.

Online Registration and Appointment setting

Visit the to access the system.

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A. For first time applicants, Account Registration is required. Fill up the necessary information in order to create an account. Said information will be used as reference in the log-in process.

Note: existing/active personal eMail account is Required and remember your account and password


Log-in to your email address.

Check your inbox for Email Confirmation and click the message from NPCS to verify your registered account.

 Click the link to continue. You will now be directed to login page.

B. Signing-in

 Sign-In using the email address and password used during the registration process.

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C. Clearance Application

Upon sign-in, primary details of your profile will be displayed.

1. Edit Your Profile

 Click on Edit Profile Button

 Supply all other needed information required for the transaction,

 Review and check all misspelled information (if any), click Save Profile.

2. Set an Appointment

 Click the Application of Clearance button (as shown in picture above) to start

 You need to choose the Police Station where you will transact/get your clearance

 Select the date, either AM or PM from the list of available schedules

 Click Next.

3. Online Payment

 Click Land Bank of the Philippines button and Save Appointment

 Save or Note the generated Reference No.

 Click Pay to Landbank button to proceed to payment

 You will be directed to LBP ePayment Protal website for the payment process.

Available payment options (for the meantime):

 Via G-cash
 Via BancNet Cards.

 Follow the process needed for LBP payment process

 Enter the Account Number and PIN and wait for the transaction details and payment summary to display.

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Step 3: Photo and Fingerprint Capture

 Applicant can proceed to the selected Police Station on his/her scheduled date. Present the following to the Police Station.

 Two (2) valid issued ID

 Reference Number

 Official Receipt of payment

 Before the release of Clearance, applicant shall be required to have his/her biometrics, signature and photo captured.

Step 4: Release of Clearance

For without “Hit” After completion of steps 1 to 3, wait for your name to be called for the release of your clearance.

For with “Hit” Wait for the advise or instruction of the Verification Officer for verification process.

Once settled, clearance will be released.

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