https // Login : eHRMS Manav Sampada Portal Login
Visit the e-HRMS 2.0 portal Log in using your government/NIC email ID (e-Parichay) and password. Select the appropriate Ministry/Department/Organization.
“Manav Sampada” application is a common application tool for personnel management activities like monitoring, planning, recruitment, posting, promotion, transfer, maintenance of service history etc. It is developed, maintained and hosted by NIC UP State centre and available at for the use of government department.
eHRMS brought a breakthrough in managing Human resource in Government efficiently and effectively. “Manav Sampada” is not only the solution to manpower planning but its integration with other e-Governance applications extended its ambit to various other Government G2G, G2E and G2C services.
How do I register for e-HRMS?
To register for e-HRMS (Human Resource Management System), follow these steps:
1. Nodal Officer Onboarding (if applicable):
- If you’re a nodal officer or need to act as one, provide the following details:
- Name
- Designation
- Name of Ministry/Department/Organization
- Government/NIC email ID (if available)
- Mobile number linked with Aadhar
- Email these details to
- Nodal Officer/CCA roles will be created within 2 working days.
- If you’re a nodal officer or need to act as one, provide the following details:
2. Employee Registration:
- Visit the e-HRMS 2.0 portal.
- Log in using your government/NIC email ID (e-Parichay) and password.
- Select the appropriate Ministry/Department/Organization.
- Choose the service (e.g., IAS, IRS, etc.).
- Verify, edit, or add your profile details.
- Submit your profile.
- The Nodal Officer will verify your details.
- Start availing services like leave, tour, reimbursements, advances, loans, and claims.
3. Additional Services (if CCA is onboarded):
- If the CCA (Controlling/Competent Authority) is also onboarded:
- You can avail other services like promotion, deputation, transfer/posting, etc.
- If the CCA (Controlling/Competent Authority) is also onboarded:
Thus “eHRMS” has been developed with following objectives of Good Governance:-
- • To provide complete HRMS solution for about 20 Lakhs employees spread all over the state in different government offices.
- • To develop HR related databases for analyzing the skill set of each employee by collecting the information like skills, compensation, personal details, demographic information, and other detailed relevant information.
- • To help Government in analyzing the status of manpower by calculating the current and future status of recruitment and retirement.
- • To preserve employees most useful information currently available in their manual service book record in electronic form (e-Service Book) and to create a Searchable Employee Service Book database through data entry of master service book and online transactions thereon.
- • To make available eService book on the Internet supporting Governments effort to bring transparency in a user-friendly interface for use by both the department and Government employees.
- • To reduce the manual effort in maintaining service book by decentralizing and timely updation of their transaction such as (transfer, promotion, joining, relieving etc.)
- • To achieve the objective of RTI Act with regard to employee posting and transfers.
- • To develop work flow based product to eliminate paper use in the Government at various levels which will result in fast disposal of matters and thus improve the Carbon Credit Rating of the State by saving paper.
- • To develop Outputs/Queries (on various selection criteria) at all the levels for effective policy decision making.
Rapid Rollout
With the initiative of honourable Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh Manav Sampada project has been accepted to rollout in all state government departments in UP through NIC, UP State Unit, Lucknow.
Features/Application Modules available in the HRMS Product
The application can broadly be categorised for following modules.
Application Management – Modules for the developer to control the overall software flow, creation of role, menus, state administrator.
State Administrator – Create state specific master, department administrator local language form labels, customized hoe page content, Create State Specific Business logics and Manage application roles.
Department Administrator – Create department specific master, office hierarchy, upload department notification, news, logo, order formats etc.
Office Administrator – Employee registration, assign roles, create password etc.
Service Book Data Form – Complete information related to employee service book is captured in Manav Sampada software. The major sub categories are:
- Personal Information–Basic Details such as Name, Father Name, Date of Birth, Date of Retirement, Identification Marks, Photo, Caste, Blood Group, Category, Current posting.
- Employee Address Information – Address detail, contact detail both present and permanent.
- Employee Professional Information – Initial joining information, cadre, appointment detail.
- Employee Nomination Information – Nomination detail of GPF/CPS with %age.
- Employee Education/Training Information – Education and Training Details.
- Employee Family Information – Family member details
- Employee Service History Information – Capture data of employee complete service History with 25 different transactions (Joining, Relieving, Promotion, Transfer, Increment, Departmental Exam, Retirement, Suspension etc.)
- Employee ACR Information – ACR submission detail – Static
- Employee Departmental Proceeding Information – Department Enquiry/Proceeding details
- Employee Leave Information – Records employee legacy leave details
- Employee Award Information – Award specific information.
Online Modules
- Transfer/Posting – The user can create, finalized and publish the various orders by selecting the concern employees directly through the application.
- Leave Management – Employee with authentic employee code/password can submit apply for leaves to their reporting officer and the reporting officer will approve/reject/cancel the leaves directly through the application.
- ACR Module – modified the ACR format and process of employee assessment in the 0-10 scale. Role based work flow process for ACR submission and their assessment by reporting and reviewing officers. MS based dissemination of ACR status to employee.
- eFiling of Annual Property Return – Each employee with authentic employee code/password can submit their APR for previous and current year. The information related to employee APR directly available on the portal. Year wise detail of employee APR is available for citizen and to Government at each level.
प्रदेश सरकार के विभागों मेंमानि संपदा लागूकरने की प्रक्रिया:-
1. सरकार के विभागों में मानि संपदा लागू करने हेतु सिप्रव थम विभागों के राज्य स्तरीय कायावलयों का पंजीकरण ककया जाएगा।
2. मानि सम्पदा में कायावलयों के पंजीकरण हेतुसिव प्रथम संबंधित विभागाध्यक्ष मानि संपदा कायवहेतुनोडल अधिकारी की ननयुक्तत करेंगे।
3. नोडल अधिकारी मानि संपदा में अपने विभाग के पंजीकरण हेतुननिावररत प्रपत्र भर कर एन. आई. सी., मानि संपदा सपोर्व र्ीम से अपने विभाग हेतु विभागीय एडममननस्रेर्र आईडी ि पासिडव प्राप्त करेंगे। मानि संपदा में विभागों के पंजीकरण हेतु ननिावररत प्रपत्र मानि संपदा पोर्वल के होमपेज के Forms/Notices मेनूसे डाउनलोड ककया जाcसकता है।
4. नोडल अधिकारी विभागीय एडममननस्रेर्र आईडी ि पासिडव से मानि संपदा पोर्वल पर लॉगइन कर अपने विभाग हेतुमास्र्र डार्ा जैसे कायावलयों की सूची, पदों की मैवप ंग, कै डर, कै डर में स्तर आदद तैयार करेंगे। मास्र्र डार्ा तैयार करने के उपरांत नोडल अधिकारी अपने विभाग के ररपोदर्िंग कायावलयों (िेकायावलय जहां जहां कमवचाररयों की सविसव बुक रखी जाती है) के आकिस आईडी (ofcadmin Id) ि पासिडव किएर् कर संबंधित कायावलय के आकिस एडममननस्रेर्र को उपलब्ि कराएंगे।
5. ररपोदर्िंग कायावलय के आकिस एडममननस्रेर्र अपने कायावलय के आकिस आईडी से मानि संपदा में लाधगन कर अपने कायावलय के कम से कम 3 कमवचाररयों का पंजीकरण कर एक को डार्ाइंरी, एक को डार्ा िैरीिायर ि एक को डार्ा संशोिन का रोल एसाइन करेंगे। आकिस एडममननस्रेर्र उपरोतत पंजीकृत कमवचाररयों को उनके पंजीकरण से प्राप्त एच.आर.एम.एस. कोड उपलब्ि कराएंगे।
6. ररपोदर्िंग कायावलय के आकिस एडममननस्रेर्र द्िारा डार्ाइंरी, डार्ा िैरीिायर ि डार्ा संशोिनकताव के रोल प्राप्त कमवचारी सम्बंधित ररपोदर्िंग कायावलय में ररपोर्व करने िाले अन्य कमवचाररयों के डार्ा की इंरी, िेररकिके शन, संशोिन का कायव अपने लॉगइन आईडी से करेंगे।
7. मानि सम्पदा में कमवचाररयों के पंजीकरण से प्राप्त एच.आर.एम.यस. कोड ही मानि सम्पदा में उनका लॉगइन आईडी होगा। मानि संपदा पोर्वल में कमवचाररयों के पंजीकरण का प्रपत्र मानि संपदा पोर्वल के होम पेज के Forms/Notices मेनूसे डाउनलोड ककया जा सकता है।