How To Activate PNB Credit Card

How To Activate PNB Credit Card? To Activate PNB Credit Card, SMS to 7092200200 : ACTIV <space> <last 6 digits of your Credit Card> <space> <DOB in ddmmyyyy>

e.g. ACTIV XX1234 18121990

SMS Services

As a PNB Credit cardholder, you can access common services through SMS in just few clicks.Solution to your usual services is now just an SMS away. Activate or block your card, generate PIN or get your mini statement anytime by sending SMS from your registered mobile number.

Card Activation

To activate your card, SMS to 7092200200
ACTIV <space> <last 6 digits of your Credit Card> <space> <DOB in ddmmyyyy>

e.g. ACTIV XX1234 18121990

Card De-activation

To de-activate your card, SMS to 7092200200
DEACTIV <space> <last 6 digits of your Credit Card> <space> <DOB in ddmmyyyy>

e.g. DEACTIV XX1234 18121990

Card Hotlisting

To block/ hotlist your card, SMS to 7092200200
HOT <space> <last 6 digits of your Credit Card> <space> <DOB in ddmmyyyy>

e.g. HOT 1234

Card PIN Generation

To generate your card PIN, SMS to 7092200200
CARDPIN <space> <last 6 digits of your Credit Card> <space> <DOB in ddmmyyyy>

e.g. CARDPIN XX1234 18121990

Mini Statement

To get your mini statement, SMS to 7092200200
CCBAL <space> <last 6 digits of your Credit Card> <space> <DOB in ddmmyyyy>

e.g. CCBAL XX1234 032022

The PNB Global Gold Card

All-purpose credit card
The PNB Credit Card can be used for all your requirements, be it shopping,eating out, holidaying, and fuelling up your vehicle, railway ticket reservations – just about any financial requirement, planned or on desire.

Earn while you spend
With us, money spent is money earned. For every Rs. 100 you spend, you earn 1 reward points. You can redeem these accumulated points for exciting offers from our exclusive rewards program.

ADD-ON cards
Get up to 2 add-on cards for your spouse, parents, son and/or daughter (over 18 years) and allow them to enjoy the many benefits of the PNB Global Credit Card.

Lost Card Liability
In case your credit card gets lost, report it immediately to our 24-hour toll free call centre. After you do this, you carry limited liability on any fraudulent transactions on your card.

Widely accepted at Merchant establishments & ATMs worldwide
Accepted at over 3,80,000 merchant establishments & over 30,000 VISA ATMs across India and at over 29 million merchant establishments and over 1 million VISA ATMs around the world.

Utility Bill Payment facility
You can also pay your utility bill payments i.e. electricity bills, telephone / mobile bills, etc. through our credit card by logging on to

The PNB Global Platinum Credit Card

As a Platinum card holder apart from all the facilities which are available to our other card holders, you are entitled to other privileges:

  • 24×7 Global Concierge Desk. Call 1800-2100-131 for assistance in making dining referrals and reservation assistance.
  • Travel- airline and hotel bookings;
  • Pre-trip- passport and visa assistance;
  • Flower & gift booking and delivery assistance.
  • A host of lifestyle services viz. show & event bookings and
  • Emergency services viz. medical support, emergency road side assistance and patient travel arrangements etc.

Additional Incentives
Additional incentives in shape of various mercantile offers.

Rewards Points:
Two points on every retail transaction of Rs.150/- made on Platinum card as against 2 points for retail purchase of Rs 200 on other cards.

Year End Summary Statement of Account
In order to provide a superior level of convenience, Bank to provide year-end account summary statements to their Visa Platinum cardholders.