How to Activate a Beacon in Minecraft :Minecraft Beacon 1.16- Easy Setup Guide
To activate Beacon in Minecraft, you’ll need a good amount of mineral blocks to build the beacon’s base. These can be iron, gold, emerald, diamond, or netherite blocks. You can mix and match them, too!
Beacon can be activated by placing right at the center of a Square pyramid with an odd number of blocks on its side made by using the above blocks. Pyramid can be 4 blocks high., with an increase in the outer square ring of blocks by one.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to activate one:
1. Gather Your Resources
- Mineral Blocks: You’ll need a good amount of mineral blocks to build the beacon’s base. These can be iron, gold, emerald, diamond, or netherite blocks. You can mix and match them, too!
- Beacon: Craft a beacon using 5 glass, 3 obsidian, and 1 nether star.
2. Build the Pyramid Base
- Size Matters: The base of your pyramid determines the beacon’s power and range.
- A 3×3 base (1 layer) gives you the most basic effects and shortest range.
- A 5×5 base with a 3×3 layer on top (2 layers) increases the range and effect options.
- Keep adding layers (7×7, then 9×9) to maximize the beacon’s power!
- Construct the Pyramid: Place your mineral blocks in the shape of a pyramid, with the smallest layer on top.
3. Activate the Beacon
- Place the Beacon: Place your crafted beacon on the top center of the pyramid. It should light up with a beam shooting into the sky!
4. Choose Your Powers
- Access the Beacon Menu: Right-click on the beacon to open its interface.
- Select a Primary Power: You’ll have a choice between Speed (increases movement speed) and Haste (increases mining speed).
- Select a Secondary Power (if available): If you have a 4-layer pyramid, you can choose a second power like Jump Boost, Strength, Resistance, or Regeneration
- Feed the Beacon: To activate your chosen power, you’ll need to “feed” the beacon an iron ingot, gold ingot, emerald, diamond, or netherite ingot
5. Enjoy Your Beacon’s Effects!
- Stay in Range: The beacon’s effects only work within a certain range of the pyramid. The larger the pyramid, the greater the range.
- Change the Beam Color: Place stained glass on top of the beacon to change the color of the beam.
Minecraft Beacon is of the rarest block which can be crafted only after killing wither. When activated it’ll produce a vertical beam of light emerging in the sky.
It can provide you certain special effects to every player within its possible radius.
Effects indulged by beacon are:
- Speed
- Jump boost
- Haste
- Resistance
- Regeneration
- Strength
Note: Out of all these you can choose only one effect.
Minecraft Beacon has a Blast Resistance and harness level of 3 and it’s immune to lava and fire. It also produces a light level of 15 so you can even use it for decoration and lighting purposes. Make a note that it can be mined with any tool. Even you can use your fist to mine it.
How to craft Minecraft Beacon?
Materials required:
- 5 Glass: Can be obtained by smelting sand in the furnace.
- 1 Nether star: Can be obtained by killing wither.
- 3 Obsidian: Can be mined with Diamond or Netherite pickaxe. It is generated when flowing water comes in contact with stable lava.
You can use the following recipe to craft Beacon:
How to activate Beacon?
Before activating Beacon make sure to consider the following things:
- Beacon will not active it any opaque block is blocking its beam from the top. However, transparent blocks like glass can be used. You place colored glass and colored glass pane to change the color of the beam.
- The Nether ceiling will not block the beam.
- It can be activated by simply making a pyramid-like structure below the Beacon. You can only use the following blocks to activate it:
- Iron blocks
- Gold blocks
- Diamond blocks
- Netherite blocks
Beacon can be activated by placing right at the center of a Square pyramid with an odd number of blocks on its side made by using the above blocks. Pyramid can be 4 blocks high., with an increase in the outer square ring of blocks by one.
- Level 1: 9 blocks: 3*3
- Level 2: 34 blocks: 3*3, 5*5
- Level 3: 83 blocks: 3*3, 5*5, 7*7
- Level 4: 164 blocks: 3*3, 5*5, 7*7, 9*9
You can increase its radius by simply increasing levels.
If you wish to apply all effects (6 effects) at the same time, then you can use the following 6 beacon setup:
How to activate Minecraft Beacon effect:
You can activate beacon effects using following simple steps:
- Activate beacon by using the above method.
- Right-clicking on Beacon will open up the following UI.
- Choose the effect you want to apply.
- Supply any of the available minerals you’ve. You can choose any of the following: Iron ingot, Diamond, Emeralds or Netherite ingot.
- Clicking on the green-colored tick will activate the particular effect you’ve chosen.
- You can apply two types of powers using fully activated beacon (4 levels):
- Primary power: Speed I, Haste I, Resistance I, Jump boost I and Strength I.
- And secondary power: Regeneration and ability to increase primary power to level II.
- You can combine two primary level I powers by simply selecting desired power from the left panel and then selecting level II from the right panel and further you can choose second power from the left panel again.
- In java edition, only one power out of two will appear but don’t worry you’ll experience the powers.
Minecraft Beacon advancement:
You can get 2 advancements with the help of beacon in the game:
- Bring Home the Beacon: You can unlock this advancement simply by activating Beacon.
- Beaconator: You can unlock this advancement by constructing a fully powered beacon (level 4).