Happy New Year Message in Marathi
- “नवीन वर्षाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!” (Nava Varshachya Hardik Shubhechha!) – This is a classic and respectful way to wish someone a happy new year. It translates to “Heartiest wishes for the new year!”
- “नूतन वर्षाच्या मंगलमय शुभेच्छा!” (Nootan Varshachya Mangalmay Shubhechha!) – This conveys wishes for an auspicious and prosperous new year.
- “नवीन वर्षाच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा!” (Nava Varshachya Khup Khup Shubhechha!) – This is a more casual way to say “Happy New Year” with lots of well wishes.
- “नवीन वर्ष तुम्हाला खूप आनंदी जावो!” (Nava Varsh Tumhala Khup Anandhi Javo!) – This means “May the new year bring you lots of happiness!”
Adding a personal touch:
- “तुमच्या सर्व स्वप्नांची पूर्तता या नवीन वर्षात होवो हीच सदिच्छा!” (Tumchya Sarva Swapnanchi Pooratat Ya Navin Varshat Hovo Hee Svachchha!) – This translates to “May all your dreams come true in this new year!”
- “नवीन वर्षात भरपूर यश, आनंद आणि आरोग्य लाभो हीच शुभेच्छा!” (Navin Varshat Bharpur Yash, Anand ani Aarogya Labho Hee Shubhechha!) – This conveys wishes for success, happiness, and good health in the new year.
Also Read : Heart Touching New Year Wishes for Boyfriend
You can also use these greetings:
- “सुखाच्या नवीन वर्षाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (Sukhachya Navin Varshachya Shubhechha!) – Happy New Year filled with happiness!
- “नवीन वर्षाच्या निमित्ताने तुम्हाला आणि तुमच्या कुटुंबाला माझ्याकडून हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!” (Navin Varshachya Nimittane Tumhala ani Tumchya Kutumbale Mazhyakadun Hardik Shubhechha!) – Heartiest wishes to you and your family on the occasion of the new year!
Here are some more Happy New Year messages in Marathi, with a focus on different themes:
Focusing on Hope and New Beginnings:
- “नवीन वर्ष नव्या आशा, नव्या स्वप्नांची सुरुवात करो. नवीन वर्षाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!” (Navin Varsh Navya Aasha, Navya Swapnanchi Suruvat Karo. Navin Varshachya Hardik Shubhechha!) – May the new year bring new hopes and new dreams. Happy New Year!
- “जुने विसरून, नवीन स्वीकारा. नवीन वर्षाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (June Visaroon, Naveen Sweekara. Navin Varshachya Shubhechha!) – Forget the old and embrace the new. Happy New Year!
With a touch of poetry:
- “फुलांनी बहरलेले, आनंदाने भरलेले, असे हे नवीन वर्ष तुम्हाला जावो!” (Fulanni Baharlele, Anandane Bharlele, Ase He Navin Varsh Tumhala Javo!) – May this new year be filled with blossoms and joy!
- “नवीन वर्षाच्या किरणांनी, तुमचे जीवन प्रकाशमान होवो!” (Navin Varshachya Kiranani, Tumche Jeevan Prakashman Hovo!) – May the rays of the new year illuminate your life!
Short and sweet:
- “नवीन वर्षाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (Navin Varshachya Shubhechha!) – Happy New Year!
- “आनंदी नववर्ष!” (Aanandi Navavarsh!) – Happy New Year!
For specific relationships:
- (For friends) “मित्रांनो, नवीन वर्ष धमाल, मस्ती आणि आनंदाने भरलेले जावो!” (Mitranno, Navin Varsh Dhamal, Masti ani Anandane Bharlele Javo!) – Friends, may the new year be filled with fun, enjoyment, and happiness!
- (For family) “कुटुंबियांसह आनंदाचे क्षण घालवा. नवीन वर्षाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (Kutumbiyansah Anandache Kshan Ghalva. Navin Varshachya Shubhechha!) – Spend joyful moments with your family. Happy New Year!
Remember to choose the greeting that best suits the person you’re sending it to and the level of formality you want to convey.