Brockport Web Banner : Web Banner Out Brockportal In

Brockport Web Banner : Web Banner Out Brockportal In

SUNY Brockport is transitioning away from its Web Banner system and moving towards Brockportal, a new self-service platform for students and faculty.

The change is expected to occur over the next few months, with links within the Web Banner menu gradually redirecting users to the corresponding pages on Brockportal.

Brockportal features an updated user interface and incorporates new and improved functionality from Ellucian, the owner of the Banner software.

For more information, you can visit the SUNY Brockport website or access Brockportal directly through the link provided on the website.

If you are new to SUNY Brockport and need to create an account, please visit the university’s official website and look for information about creating a new student or faculty account.

SUNY Brockport

Web Banner Out ❌ Brockportal In✅

Web Banner is going to be de-supported within the next few months. Learn about what changes to expect as we transition to the new self-service system, Brockportal.

Throughout the next few months, we will be introducing our new student and faculty self-service system, Brockportal. As we transition to the new system, links within the current Web Banner menu will begin to change and take you to the new Brockportal pages. This new system has an updated user interface and Ellucian (Banner software owner) has incorporated new and improved functionality into the system.