Firstnet Hotspot Login : Activate your FirstNet profile and log in
To activate your FirstNet account, you can either refer to the Activation Email you received or click here and follow the onscreen instructions. You can use FirstNet Single Sign-On (SSO) to quickly log in to compatible FirstNet applications.
Activate your FirstNet profile and log in
To get started with FirstNet, an administrator or a FirstNet specialist needs to create your account.
• If you’re a federated user and your agency allows it, you can create your own profile.
• If you’re a subscriber paid user, you can create your own account in an AT&T store.
When your account is created, we’ll send you an email containing a link to the Verify user ID page.
For instructions on activating your profile:
• Users with a federated agency, go to Activate your federated user profile.
• All other users, go to Activate your user profile.
Activate your user profile
If you unsubscribed from FirstNet marketing emails, you won’t receive an activation email. To manage which FirstNet emails you receive, go to the FirstNet Email Preference Center. After you subscribe to FirstNet marketing emails, ask your administrator to resend the activation email.
Activate your profile
1. Through the link in your email, or using this link, go to the Verify user ID page.
2. Enter your user ID and last name, and then click Continue. The Complete profile page appears.
3. Create a password and security question, and enter your contact information.
4. Read the Terms & Conditions and agree by checking the box.
5. Click Continue. The Enter one-time code page appears.
6. Click Send code and we’ll send a one-time code to your wireless number. If we don’t have your number on file, we’ll email you the code.
• SMS codes are valid for 5 minutes. If you can’t receive SMS messaging on your wireless device or can’t access your device, click I can’t access my code and follow the prompts to receive your code by email.
• Email codes are valid for 30 minutes. If you don’t receive the email, check your spam folder. Contact your administrator to verify the email address associated with your profile. If you need more help or don’t have an administrator, contact FirstNet Customer Service.
7. When you receive the code, enter it and click Submit. A success message appears.
Note: If the one-time code expires before you enter it, click Resend code to get a new one-time code.
When your profile is active, you can log in to FirstNet.
Log in to FirstNet
1. Go to FirstNet Central. The Login page appears.
2. Make sure Log in from is set to FirstNet.
3. Enter your email address and password.
4. To save your information for faster log in, select Remember me.
Note: On shared or public computers, don’t select Remember me.
5. Click Continue. The FirstNet Central page appears.
FirstNet Central
FirstNet provides public safety agencies with control over and visibility into the FirstNet network operational status and site conditions. FirstNet Central is a key feature of the FirstNet solution, providing a powerful capability to optimize the user experience through a single convenient home page location. It provides public safety agencies the ability to manage user accounts and devices, manage user priority levels (and adjust them if needed during a time of catastrophic emergency, monitor the network status in near real-time, and manage Push-to-Talk users.
Through the agency’s Public Safety Home Page, FirstNet customers have access to several online self-service FirstNet Central functions:
- Network Status: Get an unprecedented level of insight into the broadband network status. Access maps of local coverage and site conditions, overlaid with external data.
- User and Group Management: Manage users and groups. Using the federated ICAM tool, setup new users for the Public Safety Home Page, create groups, add group members, assign user roles and capabilities.
- Services and Billing Management: Manage services/billing and devices. Through a single portal, agency administrators can activate new devices and lines of service, set permanent role-based priority levels, change rate plans and add or delete new services, deactivate services or manage SIM swaps, and more. Public safety agencies can view wireless reports such as device inventory, upgrade eligibility, and rate plan summaries.
- Application Management: Take total control over your applications. Administrators can push applications to mobile devices, recommend applications for download, and block applications.
- Push-to-Talk Management: Take total control over your broadband PTT environment. Administrators can manage PTT talk groups/channels, create groups and manage contacts/address books, view maps with PTT user locations, set PTT priority levels, manage interoperability settings, and more.
Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM)
The FirstNet solution will provide a highly secure federated ICAM solution that enables convenient single sign on access to FirstNet websites, management portals and mobile applications. The state-of-the-art ICAM solution supports federal, state, and local ICAM users.