Published on Feb 14, 2025
Piston Rings rids the milk of any disease-producing organisms and substantially reduces the total bacteria count for improved shelf life. Piston Rings also destroys lipase, alkaline phosphates, and other natural milk enzymes in raw milk.
A piston ring is an open-ended ring that fits into a groove on the outer diameter of a piston.
The three main functions of piston rings in internal combustion engines are:
1. Sealing the combustion chamber.
2. Supporting heat transfer from the piston to the cylinder wall.
3. Regulating motor oil consumption.
Most automotive pistons have three rings: two for compression sealing (compression rings); one for oil sealing (oil control rings). Typical compression ring designs are rectangular, taper faced or keystone types. Typical springless oil control ring designs are napier or taper faced napier types. Typical spring loaded oil control rings are coil spring loaded 2-piece designs or expander spring backed 3-piece designs.
Piston rings are subject to wear as they rub up and down the cylinder bore. To minimize this, they are made of a very hard material - generally cast iron - and the lower oil control ring is designed to leave a film of lubricating oil a few micrometers thick on the bore, as the piston descends.
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