Published on Feb 14, 2025
Although the primary approaches in any safety effort is the correction of the physical environment so that unwanted events cannot occur. It is sometimes necessary for economic or other expeditious reasons to safeguard personnel by equipping them individually with specialized personal protective equipment.
For example, in machine shop it would be desirable to remove all sources of cause of flying particles so that possibility of eye injuries would be reduced to zero or, at worst, to a very insignificant degree. However in many machine shop situations it is either too expensive or otherwise not immediately practical to accomplish this objective satisfactorily. It may be necessary therefore, to protect the eye protection equipment.
In other instances, it is practically impossible to devise a safe working procedure that can assure there will be no chance of avoidable injury. For example, in construction work there is the possibility of a hand tool, rivet or similarly relatively heavy object's falling from an elevated level and striking the head of a person working below. It is necessary, therefore, that construction workers wear protective headgear.
It should be recognized that the use of personal protective equipment is an important and necessary consideration in the development of a safety program. However, since personal protection equipment must be relied on to a certain degree, occasionally there is a temptation to employ its use without first attempting to investigate thoroughly the possible methods of correcting the unsafe physical conditions. This results in substituting personal protective devices in place of safety engineering methods to correct the hazardous environment.
Specific equipment for protection against the possibility of the eyes being struck by hard, small objects exposed to irritant vapors; splashed by liquid irritants ; and irritated from exposure to radiant energy, such as the ultraviolet rays produced by the striking of an electrical arc in electrical welding operations, is available.
In general, protective eye equipment should fit comfortably and offer a maximum amount of protection to the eye. For example, protection against flying particle would require that the eye equipment fit closely around the eye socket, but ventilation holes are provided in appropriate places to keep the goggles will vary; in one case a wire mesh covering is used in place of glass lens because of its increased capacity for ventilation. However, if the exposure were to irritating vapors, it would be necessary for the protective device not only to fit snugly around the eye socket but to be so completely enclosed that the vapors in the air could not make contact with the eye.
Materials used in construction of a protective eye equipment should be non corrosive, easily cleaned, in many cases nonflammable, and the transparent portion should give the widest; possible field of vision without any appreciable distortion or prism effect.
In certain operations, such as welding or working on grinding wheels, the safety glass lenses will quite often become pitted. In order to protect the hardened safety lenses and to keep their visibility at a high level, it is desirable to place a disposable cover lens (a lens of thin glass or plastic) on the outside surface of the hardened safety glass.
Persons who must wear goggles while working in many surroundings and under humid conditions may be hampered and annoyed by the fogging of the lenses. In addition to designing the goggles that a maximum amount of ventilation reaches the inside of each lens, fogging may be further delayed or reduced to some degree by the use of antifogging compounds which the wearer spreads over the inside of the lens.
For protection against visible glare and radiant energy, such as ultraviolet, it is necessary that the filter lenses be used. The eye equipment should be fitted with opaque side4 shields in order to reduce the possibility of light being transmitted to the eye through the side and from the back of the lenses. Where conditions are such that there may be exposure to spattering materials or flying particles in addition to the visible glare or radiant energy, a heavy- duty , cup-type Google fitted with safety tempered filter lenses should be specified. There is a wide assortment of eye protection equipment available, each possessing certain advantages for suitable applications
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