This application is designed to provide the user Access a PC from his mobile device. This project is to enable the mobile users to control his PC information at their finger tips. The application must consider the limitations of mobile devices. This project involves flow of data on the Wireless Application Protocol. The application must work properly without problems on all targeted devices, power supply and network support......>>>>Read More
i broker can help a trader to resolve all these challenges which are described above. i broker not only giving real time information, but also giving him intelligent alerts for selling and buying according to the information you are entering in the i broker application. i broker act like a personal broker in your pocket which giving you information and alerts. Trader need not to watch the NSE web site every time for the share information updates......>>>>Read More
This specification proposes of Mobile Invoice. The prevalent of system of handling Mobile Billing content is proprietary and non interoperable and hence Mobile Invoice solution is cumbersome in real time environment, which is full of devices of multimedia manufactures .The scenario being as such, an Mobile Invoice Application provides a perfect solution. This Application handles the .....>>>>Read More
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