Published on Nov 30, 2023
This project Online Recruitment System is an online website in which jobseekers can register themselves online and apply for job and attend the exam. Online Recruitment System provides online help to the users all over the world. Using web recruitment systems like recruitment websites or jobsites also play a role in simplifying the recruitment process. Such websites have facilities where prospective candidates can upload their CV's and apply for jobs suited to them.
Such sites also make it possible for recruiters and companies to post their staffing requirements and view profiles of interested candidates. Earlier recruitment was done manually and it was all at a time consuming work. Now it is all possible in a fraction of second. It is all done online without much time consuming. Today's recruitment applications are designed to do a whole lot more than just reduce paperwork.
They can make a significant contribution to a company's marketing and sales activity. Recruitment websites and software make possible for managers to access information that is crucial to managing their staff, which they can use for promotion decisions, payroll considerations and succession planning.
Online Recruitment System enables the users to have the typical examination facilities and features at their disposal. It resolves typical issues of manual examination processes and activities into a controlled and closely monitored work flow in the architecture of the application. This multi platform solution brings in by default, the basic intelligence and immense possibilities for further extension of the application as required by the user.
The system makes it friendly to distribute, share and manage the examination entities with higher efficiency and easiness. The objective of these websites is to serve as a common meeting ground for jobseekers and employers, both locally and globally, where the candidates find their dream jobs and recruiters find the right candidate to fulfill their needs.
These sites are specifically designed for those who seek the most demanding and challenging positions in their chosen field, with the most dynamic employers. Thousands of websites compete for your attention-each has its own unique interface, URL and peculiarities.
A quick look at the overall trends in Online recruiting shows the rise in the importance of marketing the web site, online training, dawn of video interviews and emergence of professional Internet Recruiters. Online recruiting and online recruiting systems, with its emphasis on a more strategic decision making process is fast gaining ground as a popular outsourced function.
1. Administrator
2. Jobseekers
3. Company